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  1. Buckbotany

    How close to harvest?

  2. Buckbotany

    HLG 100 V2 vs. Mars Hydro 300

    Thanks everyone, I think I'll get the HLG for my next grow So would 3500k be best for use during both veg and flower?
  3. Buckbotany

    HLG 100 V2 vs. Mars Hydro 300

    I'm still new to growing and I'm currently using 1 Mars hydro 300 in my 2x2x4 tent and I think I'm getting okay results, but I want better. I'm looking at getting the HLG 100 V2 and I'm wondering if that would be a good choice. I'm really only interested in growing 1-2 plants at a time...
  4. Buckbotany

    How close to harvest?

    Thanks for the replies! My other plant is really putting on the trichs now! I know they're different strains but I didn't think they would progress so differently. This one looks like I dumped sugar on it, it looks so tasty already I can't wait to try it :bigjoint:
  5. Buckbotany

    How close to harvest?

    I'm using tiger bloom and beastie bloomz in ffof
  6. Buckbotany

    How close to harvest?

    They're turning all over the plant but I I only try and look at the top
  7. Buckbotany

    How close to harvest?

    I'm glad to hear that lol I was afraid I wouldn't be getting much more
  8. Buckbotany

    How close to harvest?

    Hi all, looking for some help determining how long I have left until harvest. I flipped 3/18 but this plant had been showing quite a few pistils for about a week (preflower??) All the pistils have curled in and maybe 20% have changed color, I have a microscope but I shake quite a bit and can't...
  9. Buckbotany

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    I think the ffof was just a little too hot for them when they were young, 13 days since I took those pictures and no more burns
  10. Buckbotany

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    Sorry for the delay everyone, but that one turned out to be a male! Oh well, it's a house plant now. I have some pics of my other two though, as you can see one is definitely a girl, the other one hasn't shown sex yet
  11. Buckbotany

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    Do you know if that is common with ffof? I'm not giving extra nutrients, so how would I go about fixing that?
  12. Buckbotany

    Deficiency or nute burn?

    Hey everyone. First set of true leaves are turning brown on one of my plants. I've noticed now that the very tips of my other two have started to brown as well. I'm using fox farm ocean forest soil, 300w Mars hydro, in a 2*2*4 tent. I haven't been giving extra nutrients besides what's in the...