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  1. C

    Will leaf spots go away?

    Just the bottom leaves mostly. Tiny spot on the 2 opposite of them
  2. C

    Will leaf spots go away?

    Awesome. Will the spotted leaves die? Or just kinda look bad for the rest of the grow?
  3. C

    Will leaf spots go away?

    My plant had a calcium deficiency and I corrected it. Will the spots on the leaves go away as the plant recovers, or will new spots just stop appearing? Just curious, thanks for any help.
  4. C

    Do I need more nutrients?

    Sweet thanks.
  5. C

    Do I need more nutrients?

    Honestly, my question isn't so much "does my plant look like it needs anything," as much as, because I'm using distilled water, is my nute mixture enough?
  6. C

    Do I need more nutrients?

    Unfortunately, I don't know. When I tried to switch my TDS meter from ppm to EC it started flashing and I can't change modes now....
  7. C

    Do I need more nutrients?

    4.2ml/g flora micro, 3.8ml flora gro, 3.0ml flora bloom. 4ml cal-mag plus. 620ppm
  8. C

    Do I need more nutrients?

    Just a quick question. I'm using the flora gro series and cal-mag in distilled water DWC. Am I still missing micronutrients? I'll post a picture if you want see the plant.
  9. C

    Nute deficiency, or ph?

    Awesome. Gave it about 100 ml of top feed this morning, will again this evening. She's my first and only girl so I gotta take care of her, but don't want to make the newb mistake of doing too much. Thanks for the help.
  10. C

    Nute deficiency, or ph?

    The most concern is from the two first leaves (not true leaves, but the first two sprout leaves) starting changing color on the tips. Here is a picture, it's a little hard to see because those leaves are small and a bit covered
  11. C

    Nute deficiency, or ph?

    The 1.5in rockwool I started the seed in is nestled near the bottom of the net pot with. Layer of clay pebbles between the rockwool and bottom of net pot. If I top feed some of the soup twice a day, will that soak the rockwool and possible cause root rot? This is my first grow so its trial and...
  12. C

    Nute deficiency, or ph?

    No no, water level is 1inch below net pot. But I'm saying she's getting water because the net pot is wet from bubbles
  13. C

    Nute deficiency, or ph?

    Yes she has a couple of roots hanging below the net pot, which is 4 inches I believe. It is wet all around the net pot so I don't think water is an issue. Those are just the top layer that are under the light. Yes the system is up and running correctly. I noticed the change from the dark...
  14. C

    Nute deficiency, or ph?

    I am using distilled water in a dwc. I used flora gro series in first week and started seeing yellowing (well lime green really but looks bright yellow under the purple led) on new growth and stems. I added cal-mag (which I didn't know originally was needed with distilled water). My question...
  15. C

    When to transplant seedling?

    No problem there. This is my new hobbie and I'm a homebody anyway. I check my plant 3 times a day (and refill humidifier) morning, afternoon, and evening. The light is off between 10am and 4pm while I am working
  16. C

    When to transplant seedling?

    Did I say something wrong? Why would people not be willing to help a newbie?
  17. C

    When to transplant seedling?

    First grow. Feminized autoflower under 600w led. Germinated in 1.5" rockwool and planning to transplant into 5 gal dwc. Currently 9 days old and is barely starting second set of true leaves. Roots are just barely poking through bottom of rockwool, maybe 1-2mm. First, do I need to wait...