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  1. Nykodemuz

    Water log

    The smaller pots seem to take more water before they start to show runoff, yes. I only water till there is enough runoff to take a reading of the water chemistry If I water more, more often, I have a hard time keeping humidity down at the canopy and don't want powdery mildew and want to keep...
  2. Nykodemuz

    Water log

    So.younare saying I should perhaps water 2 gallons each on Sundays, and maybe a gallon every other day? I've always been concerned with overwatering and its difficult with the equipment I have to keep the RH down when I water. Each time I water the RH in the tent spikes to 60% and takes the...
  3. Nykodemuz

    Water log

    Probably should have used 5-gallon pots. Two of them are and I feel them the same yet for some reason the smaller pot takes in more water than the 10 gallon before I get runoff. Thank you for making me just realize that the plant jn the smaller pot takes up more water due to larger root system
  4. Nykodemuz

    Water log

  5. Nykodemuz

    Totally fed up!!!

    Get a Govie 3-sensor pack. You can monitor them all with your smartphone. They measure temp, RH, Dew point, and VPD, which is perfect. I have one at the pot level (no pun intended), one on the underside if the canopy, and one atop the canopy.
  6. Nykodemuz

    Offsetting the light cycle during flower

    Sunday night, daylight savings time happened, I had forgotten that the clocks went an hour ahead and thought my timer failed. Its a long story, but it has been corrected. However, Now that my timer turns the lights on at 9:20am and turning off at 9:20, it has posed an inconvenience to my...
  7. Nykodemuz

    Water log

    I reused the soil from last grow since its not as hot anymore and added lime as a pH buffer
  8. Nykodemuz

    Water log

    Substrate is re-used and flushed fox farm ocean forest with some lime mixed in. Sundays is one gallon of water each plant to create enough runoff Thursdays is half-gallon tipoff. No runoff.
  9. Nykodemuz

    Water log

    I water twice per week. The plants are in 10-gallon fabric pots. I do a full plain water on sundays with 20% runoff to measure pH, and ppm and the plants are all basically 6.5 pH, and PPM ranges from 300 on some plants, and 1100 on others. Most are 500 ton 600 ppm. Each plant runoff result gets...
  10. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    I water twice per week. The plants are in 10-gallon fabric pots. I do a full plain water on sundays with 20% runoff to measure pH, and ppm and the plants are all basically 6.5 pH, and PPM ranges from 300 on some plants, and 1100 on others. Most are 500 ton 600 ppm. Then, on Thursday, I water...
  11. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    Now that having my timer turning on at 9:20am and turning off at 9:20, it has posed an inconvenience to my personal schedule. It used to turn on at 8am and off at 8pm. My timer goes are 1/2 hour increments. If I offset the timer by 30 min back to 9 to 9, I think it will turn off 30 min sooner...
  12. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    4 more weeks give or take
  13. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    Thank you :)
  14. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    I'm in week 7 of flower. I'm wondering if I should stop nutes. I stopped nitrogen two weeks ago, stopped micronutes last week, and I've been giving them bloom, and phosphorus
  15. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    here you go bud...
  16. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    I figured I would share photos of the fruits of my labor. I wouldn't call them "High Times" quality, but I think the colors are beautiful. This is my second grow, a winter grow of clones taken from my very first grow from last October harvest. I have 4 or 5 weeks till this harvest.
  17. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    Do you mean photos? I have plenty
  18. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    I do have a journal, a feed schedule, and I log pH, ppm, as well as control RH and temp to keep the VDP between 1.1 and 1.5 kPa
  19. Nykodemuz

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    Hey Haze, thank you so much. I was a bit concerned because this grow is "high times magazine quality" (so ive been told). It was my first winter indoor grow, and the purple and pink colors are amazing and they are super dank. Hate to lose this crop.