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  1. W

    dried - can I leave it hanging

    Yep I totally did. I didnt have cable as a kid so I only got to watch when I went to a friends house. I did watch once I got cable but never saw that character.
  2. W

    dried - can I leave it hanging

    Haha I havn't. Its actually a band I heard way back as a teenager. The caps spell WEED haha Thanks for the motivation. One ended up too dry, 2 others ended up at 56. Going to crank out a few more tonight and the rest tomorrow ;)
  3. W

    4 week veg from clone yield per plant gelato 33 ??

    I did 2 plants with 2 phenos. One isnt chopped yet. You have 1 specific pheno so who knows what attrobute they went after. Mine both stretched alot, 1 more than the other.
  4. W

    4 week veg from clone yield per plant gelato 33 ??

    Yes 1 plant, no training, no trimming. Was 6' tall. I have a second thats still hanging, was smaller. It was Gelato though not gelato 33. If I did gelato again I would LST the central cola or even pinch it to let the other 4 colas (about 3' tall) to grow bigger and stunt the main stem. little...
  5. W

    Earth juice - Additives needed

    ————-Catalyst——–Micro———Grow———Bloom——-Meta K week1 veg—–5ml———-5ml———–5ml week2 veg—-10ml———-5ml———–5ml week3 veg—-10ml———-5ml———–10ml week4 veg—-10ml———-5ml———–10ml week5 flower–10ml———-5ml———–10ml———–5ml———2.5ml week6 flower–10ml———-5ml———–10ml———10ml———-2.5ml week7...
  6. W

    Earth juice - Additives needed

    I typically feed every other day. I use the nute regemin from the best nute side by side.
  7. W

    Earth juice - Additives needed

    Ok sweet thanks. Ill try the oilycann. Ive used EJ only since I started. The plants love it and i get compliments on the flavor. Just wish I had sliiiightly tighter nugs.
  8. W

    dried - can I leave it hanging

    Sorry that was only 2 plants. They got harvested earlier. For some reason they dried out quickly, 3 days, and are in jars with bovado packs. The others are right about perfect but I was planning on a week dry not 4 days and i didnt have time to trim the rest. I used to wet trim but my last 2...
  9. W

    4 week veg from clone yield per plant gelato 33 ??

    I just jarred a Gelato with a 4 week veg, got 5.5 OZ vertical under 1000W HPS
  10. W

    Increasing Yields / Bud density - 1st time grow

    I would also change to a 5 gal pot or bigger for that veg time. Your going to have to train those plants constantly as they will easily hit 6' and you also need to crank up your humidity to 50% with lights on and the heat to at least 80. I found that landrace strains from the south and Africa...
  11. W

    dried - can I leave it hanging

    Not really. I can harvest bit by bit every night. Just not sure what humidity to leave it at. Rather be dry than moldy but also rather have my cake and eat it too =)
  12. W

    dried - can I leave it hanging

    ok cool thanks. They dried quicker this time than normal so I wasn't prepared to spend the time. I jared one and my hygrometer read 42% so I'm rehydrating with bovada packs. The rest are probably at optimal. Could I leave them for say, 3 days? Or should I accept a drier product and go like 55%?
  13. W

    dried - can I leave it hanging

    So as title states, I dried at 50% humidity and would typically trim and jar. I just dont have the time. Can I leave them hanging with 62% instead of jarring?
  14. W

    Earth juice - Additives needed

    Also, I'm not talking like malawai airy buds (amazing plant and smoke btw), I just need that last 20%.
  15. W

    Earth juice - Additives needed

    So I should clarify, I used to do earth juice right from veg. I just found that the plants did not benefit from it and it gave the fungas gnats an easy time to take over so I was combating with nematodes constantly. By delaying the EJ the soil and plant has its own defenses and I get 0 issues...
  16. W

    Earth juice - Additives needed

    Hey guys, been growing for a few years for myself but now I have a small group of friends who I grow for (medical) as it costs too much at the dispensary for how much they need. Setup: Veg - 4x4 tent 1 - 600W Viparsectra LED Flower - 8x4 tent 2 x 600W HPS w/cooltube and reflector, and using...