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  1. M

    Question on mainlining/nugbucket

    Let er veg, once you flip to flower let it go and create all the leaves And shoots you can for 3 weeks 18-21 days and take off everything below the main canopy, be careful because it can herm on you. I like to do this process over 2-3 waterings (trim some shoots and leaves and water) and repeat...
  2. M

    Not even close?

    Personally I look at both tricomes and those little hairs that turn brown sticking out the bud, I only thing about harvest around 75% of those milky coloured hairs turn brown and shrivel. Keep a close eye at that point because tricomes can flip on you in a single 12/12 cycle. Flower is a pain in...
  3. M

    Spider Farmer SF1000 dead after 3 weeks.

    I run a sf 2000 now and it’s awesome for the cost. The dimmer is under the driver you have to unscrew it and there’s 2 black plugs it’ll be the best ne closest to the edge, need a long screwdriver to get in there
  4. M

    Root Rot or solution buildup? First time hydro

    Do you have a bubbler in the root zone?
  5. M

    Heat stessed, nutrient burn???

    100% heat stress it’s all tell tale signs you can look up and it isn’t easily confused with a plethora of other diagnostics. If you can cool it down or your light if you’re not using an led
  6. M

    When to open jar when curing

    If you’re a cheap ass like me and can’t afford these packs and humidity levels of every single jar say fuck it and throw it in the trash, jk, but it’s recommended to “burp” your jar every day for about 20 minutes for the first week or two then follow by a week or two of 2nd to 3rd day and...
  7. M

    Safe to add nutes?

    Honestly, add nutes especially in a pre amended soil when you have a few nodes give or take more than 3-5. I misted the top soil of mine with 1/4 nute medi-one by green planet and saw slowed growth and an unhappy plant until about week 3 of veg then I got the hang of it. I was growing in gia...
  8. M

    Need some help identifying this problem!

    Hey there so I’m in week 5 of flower and I’ve developed a new problem over the past couple of days, it might have been left a little dry for about a day, plant was one of the healthiest ones here until now, any suggestions?