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  1. C

    Need some mentoring please: First time grow for experienced gardener

    Hmmm so the mystery stuff didn't go away in the long run. Nor did it get any worse. So I don't know what's up with that. I foliar sprayed with BT and added epsom salt I also started adding my pure blend pro 3-2-4 vegging fertilizer and espom salt to the waterings in case they needed nutes :|...
  2. C

    Recommended PH test?

    Do you feel like you can be accurate enough? I have little test strips and I always fee like I'm +-1 on my PH measurements :( Like the room lighting and background likely shift my 'color' by 1-2 PH. So I grow everything in soil and I was always taught to just test runoff vs input. Whether that...
  3. C

    Recommended PH test?

    oh yeah there are a bunch by Apera. Hmmm So may price points and they all say +-0.1 accuracy :| Is the 3 pt cal and the replacable probe a valuable addon? There is a 1 pt cal, 3 pt-non-replaceable-probe, and a different 3pt cal and the bluelab one is like the same price almost :|, but it...
  4. C

    Recommended PH test?

    oh yeah that does look awesome! For some stupid reason it's 200$ in Canada though :( Forex isn't great but it's not THAT bad :P
  5. C

    Recommended PH test?

    Hi everyone, I am looking for a new ph tester. I have PH test strips and I don't enjoy matching the colors up. They never feel color contrasted enough to really know what's going on. I tried a cheap PH pen and it was all over the place with it's readings, I tossed it and have been scared of...
  6. C

    Fans/controllers: variable fan / thermostat: worth it?

    Actually one question I should have started all this with. How accurate am I aiming for? Is 77-87 fine? Or am I ideally 82+-1 degree? A 10degree target is probably fine with my thermostat
  7. C

    Fans/controllers: variable fan / thermostat: worth it?

    OK so I understand my thermostat should handle everything but I still don't trust my basement's temps and I travel a lot. Also I'm not going to seal a room to make a death star :P I just have a 2x4' tent so I won't generate a lot of heat but I like idiotproofness of the temp settings so I can...
  8. C

    Grow medium/method with least upkeep?

    OK got it to be hands off I need a reservoir: inside/outside with soil/coco + blumat with big resevoir = awesome Hydro + big resevoir = awesome I looked to up and the pricing is about the same. Then if I'm using a reservoir I guess I need to do about the same amount of work. Bluemats and...
  9. C

    Newby needs help: Holes in new leaves

    Hi there I noticed today that my plants have little holes on all the new leaves (not any old ones) and I can't figure out what to do. Me: First time grower, outdoors, southern ontario. Haven't sprayed any anti-insecticides yet. Just got BT spray this morning but not sure if I should toss...
  10. C

    Grow medium/method with least upkeep?

    I am super not into things that have daily upkeep. I want to grow for a bunch of reasons but I would like to use the medium/method with the least daily upkeep. What would people recommend for the least daily upkeep? In my mind growing in super soil would be the easiest because everything is...
  11. C

    Fans/controllers: variable fan / thermostat: worth it?

    I like the hands off-ness of how that but with the AC T6 how do you deal with setting day and night temps seperately as people like to do? I discovered about lung rooms today. That's nuts! Do people seperately heat/cool the room the tents are in from the rest of the house? or usually just run...
  12. C

    Fans/controllers: variable fan / thermostat: worth it?

    oh wow this is blowing my mind. People don't set a thermostat on the tent? You set your whole house to 75F and just pull the air for smell reduction? My thermostat is on a different floor so I can't imagine it would keep things very fixed near my tent, but I can test it. What about RH then...
  13. C

    HLG 260W vs KindLED K3L600

    Oh neat. That's a whole different direction as well! I'll setup a 2x4' tent so I guess a bar would be overkill for me. Another question while I'm here since I'm going down this rabit hole of full spectrum lighting. Chinese amazon blurples are bad. What about name-less amazon full spectrum...
  14. C

    Fans/controllers: variable fan / thermostat: worth it?

    Hi I am setting up my first grow tent 2x4' specifically the fans. I want this to be quiet (i just hate noise I'm not trying to make it covert though), and it leads me to a few questions. I don't want to be farting around with fan speeds almost ever...seems silly for something so easily...
  15. C

    New growth: Lime green spots and odd angle tips??

    it sort of resolved itself over the past week magically. so I'm going to pretend this didn't happen and chalk it up to gardening mysteries. Believably it was flowering and re-vegging from the transistion outdoors causing it to be funky. thank though!
  16. C

    Need some mentoring please: First time grow for experienced gardener

    Where the heck do you guys buy your epsom salts? I'm in ontario Canada and I can't find any :( (Covid definitely makes this harder). Even online the bags are almost $100. Little update: 1 - (Pic 1) The plant has less of those spots now. Although it has become notably stretched. I guess that...
  17. C

    HLG 260W vs KindLED K3L600

    Message received. I'll get the QBs (and if they aren't legit ill buy some new ones from Kingbrite) While I'm in here I'll mention two related things: I saw spectrum kings SK400 120° units on Kijiji in Ontario for $600CAD/unit. I didn't want them because my area is way to small for that...
  18. C

    HLG 260W vs KindLED K3L600

    huh. A different yet similar question. Is the 380$CAD K3-L600 so cheap it's stupid not to buy it? Or kind and blurple is so bad I should run the other way?
  19. C

    HLG 260W vs KindLED K3L600

    Oh wow, going into this I thought people were going to be very pro-KindLED seeing as they are insanely expensive when bought new.
  20. C

    HLG 260W vs KindLED K3L600

    So good point re:knockoff HLG (I put an edit in the OP about it). I suspect it's a kingbrite, he thinks it's legit but got it 2nd hand. I would check before I bought it if it's a real QB288 V2 Rspec I just looked on Alibaba and kingbrite is $180CAD for a new lamp, so I would just get that if it...