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  1. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    They worked grand for a week then started going yellow. Two weeks this weekend and 3 are gone and two on the way out. thinking I might not have watered them enough Underwatering or not keeping them moist will only cause them to wilt. My guess is that they didnt root and all energy was taken...
  2. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    You'll get some bud alright, cutting off the male parts will also help but if you've any female plants near by then kiss them good bye also. Welcome along, nice girls, congrats on your first grow.. What happened to your cuttings..?
  3. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I've done clones from 12/12.. well once they were rooted... Was surprised how well it worked out but it does mean many, many pots.. Looking well Darren, just imagine how they'd look with a bit of sun..!! I've always wanted to do a auto but have it under HID lighting during the night timel...
  4. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    No wuckin furries..! Hope they work out for ya.. Fans sound ideal.. Happy Daze..
  5. Jay_normous

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Fancy scrogging a tomato plant..?
  6. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    You might need 2 oscillating fans, 1 above and 1 below the screen too.. Scrogging a tomato plant..
  7. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Sorry, i missed this earlier Har..... Good to hear a nice plan, so does this mean you're a fellow scrogger..? Ahh.. I get you... Sounds a nifty piece of kit...NFT too... Im a few leagues below that... be sure to get a few pics when up and running bud.. Sounds great.. More and more people are...
  8. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah sounds good Smokey... Id say it would be a shorter veg time with 2 plants to maybe 4 weeks, where as 1 plant could take 6 weeks.. depending on growing conditions.. Myself, Id try and get the screen to the full 900mm and use the 2 plants this time round..
  9. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Occasionally you will have a stretcher that decides that she wants more light than the rest of her friends. This often happens when the branches are competing for light. Here is a little tip i picked up when i spent hours upon hours reading.. If a large cola gets out of hand there is a simple...
  10. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Its probably about 4 foot tall then my reflectors are mounted to the under neath of the roof.. Do you know what, Ive never actually measured my room... must do it later as ive to pop out for a while.. Happy Daze..
  11. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Your canopy does not have to be perfectly even. Just close. The idea behind this is even light distribution. You are looking for a field of buds here not a forest like in SOG. If a dominate bud is allowed to overtake the canopy. It is defeating the purpose of the scrog. Having said that if...
  12. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    You could do that but you'll still need to introduce the screen and fill out the screen, The stretch wont fill out your screen in time before the buds start coming on. Sure I've been vegging with the screen for 28 days now and since my drunken acts on my girls the other night (topped & Fimmed)...
  13. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    If i am growing with a REG seed then i veg for at least 6 weeks before hitting with a screen, you'll need to see the pre-flowers before introducing the screen as its just not worth the time and effort.. Feminized seed or even better a clone from a nice mother.. The veg time differs from strain...
  14. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah, dont know what happen in the last pic... New camera to me.. Ha.. Its not as tidy as you'd think, I have a tub of tile grout in the back ground in one pic i think.. You should be able to see the pre-flowers after about 6 weeks in vegetative state, but feminized seeds or even better clones...
  15. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    So.. Had a few jars watching the footie then went out and decided to top or FIM every tip of my plants.. Couple of pics before the horror show started.. Hopefully i haven't caused too much damage, time will tell... I'm by no means a great scrogger but over the prevoiuse 2 grows i find...
  16. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I've had seeds that took 12 days to germ, I think warmth is the key to propagation. Its much easier to remove all the fans leaves and larger leafs when chopped, when you want to do a trim is up to you.... A seed is a plant, a plant will smoke.... Doesnt have to be the most expensive seed to...
  17. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah its perfect for the type of scrog im doing, Funny but i said to myself that the screens were to good to just throw away so i kept them aside and then low and behold I stumbled across "scrog" and now these are made for the job.. Happy Daze..
  18. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The screen is whats left from a small green house i had bought from Woodies, The plastic had gone all manky and ripped so I just used the screen out of it.. Its amazing how quick MJ plants come back after a watering....
  19. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Back... Girls look in a bad way but hopefully will pull through with a good drink.. AE, Normally i grow up to the screen and then just spread it out as it grows, however I am thinking of different ways for the future.. I like the sound of that beef... I love food!! Hope everyone is well..
  20. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I think it'll be ok mate, if you can get her out in what sun we are going to get, think tomorrow is suppose be ok... But give it a rest from your LED light and see it come good