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  1. 420mon

    Betcha can't guess game?

    Stop popping zits around the plants man.......
  2. 420mon

    What is this growth???

    those ball thingys are flowers with pollen, if you hav other plants I'd chop that ASAP. They look to be full of pollen already.
  3. 420mon

    What is this growth???

    congrats it is Male
  4. 420mon

    Coco Flush Questions "advanced growers only"

    Hey Mon never said you dont have to flush, Mon said might not be needed.....esp if you are light feeder like mon, more is less etc. Mon will flush anyway, always have might as well. Just sayin mon wanted some smoke on 4th and snipped 3 buds from 3 plants about 2 weeks early dried it in one day...
  5. 420mon

    Coco Flush Questions "advanced growers only"

    I think that is bs, I fed with nutes the other day and for 3 months and have not flushed my plants, wanted a taste on 4th of july and chopped a branch to try, dried it quick in a paper bag in the sun......smoked great, no black ash, fuck I was surprised it tasted so good for being dried in 1 day...
  6. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Hahaha yea lucky is gettin fat, I'm probably to blame for that......Mon too lazy to feed em twice a day, so it's all you can eat, whenever you want , all day, everyday. Going thru about 150lbs of dog food a month atm, at the rate we are going, when the other two are full grown prob gonna be...
  7. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    No neck is Lucky the bully mutt, black faced one is full blooded bull mastiff around 6 months old :) and the all black one is a Saint Dane and also is a baby around 8 months, no neck is around 4yrs and showin em how to be real guard dogs.
  8. 420mon

    Hundreds of bugs suddenly crawling in my soil.

    those are water bugs, def in the water tank and or well......they died cuz they gota swim and live in water.......I thought it was weirtd but since u have a well and holding tank that makes plenty of sense.
  9. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    OK guys here are some pix of agent orange and blue dream getting super cropped, keep in mind the pictures when I did this it was evening 6-27-13, then pics of after bends were this morning.6-29-13 Agent orange 6-27-13 evening same plant Agent orange 6-29-13 morning supercropped bluedream...
  10. 420mon

    Who has the biggest stalk thus far?

    ok here is the stalk to my bluedream today, a few minutes ago 6-26-13 greenhouse, in coco, watered yesterday with 20g and already looking dry, 20 more gallons of water tomorrow morning at sun up!!!
  11. 420mon

    god must hate me

    Never said it was, like I said probably got lucky, in fact mon does not know at all.
  12. 420mon

    god must hate me

    Hey I never said mon believed that, just told you guys something mon heard from another grower, when he told me this I wanted to scream BULLSHIT but I respect the guy so mon just smile and nodded, like whoa cool story bro. Like I said, it was pure luck to get a male/ female in one cup....and it...
  13. 420mon

    girl scout cookies

    sooooo, mon has bagseed GSC this means Mon does NOT have GSC but something CROSSED with GSC UNLESS GSC pollinated itself? Soooo confusing, but doesn't really matter, BTW this bagseed GSC looking better than clone GSC from harborside.....ahhhh life is good, no worries, who cares, got some bomb...
  14. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Learn the art of "super cropping" basically pinch and pop the stem then lightly twist and let it fall and make the plant grow everything outwards. If you do this, you must start tying and supporting early as the more mon pinch and bend outwards the heavier the branches get. The pinch once...
  15. 420mon

    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    reread and see its aeroponic, stilll think too much water is the problem........
  16. 420mon

    Clone stems rotting off in DWC cloner

    Hey dude, sounds like you have too much water soaked up in the rockwool cube, you don't want it soaked nor do you want it dry, happy medium is what u are looking for. Remember roots need air, if the cube is too wet, the stem rots and no roots!!!!!. Try squeezing out about half of the water in...
  17. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Romulan light dep 7-5-2012 big dense fruity buds however was the least best plant mon had, not awful just other strains mon had were better tasting.
  18. 420mon

    Leaf discoloration please help

    Tips burning, sounds like slightly too much nutes, def not nitrogen deficiency, if anything maybe too much but really it looks fine to mon, just back off nutes just a tad.
  19. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Another small update, pics taken 6-22-13 blue dream sour d GSC bagseed
  20. 420mon

    god must hate me

    Hey dudes wuts up........I have no clue how true this is but........mon was told by another grower that if you pop 2 seeds in the same cup that it is more LIKELY one will be male and one will be female. Mon has just recently tried this and guess what? One was male and one was female, did mon...