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  1. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Wouldnt mind tryin them,ill see how you get on 8-) No heat issues would be great !! Anyone into the ufc? few good fights on tonight...:bigjoint:
  2. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The ol native americans had it sussed,id love to try some of there weed bongsmilie Whats the crack with the cobs slipper,how do they compare to hps growth wise ?
  3. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Im with ya man,looking forward to see how they turn out..that 400 will make them dance :blsmoke::bigjoint: Fuck this ill be settin up soon or the wife is out the door bongsmilie
  4. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I allways done 18/6 in veg Im no expert but i believe the plants need a rest.
  5. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    You will have trees bro.bongsmilie
  6. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Add the 400 bro they will thrive !! I allways started with the 400 from seed was able turn it down to 250 but only for a day or two ! I allways found more light the better They love it,what sorta ballasts u got naes ?
  7. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    What light cycle they on ?
  8. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Whats up with that man ^^^? Great to see a women on the thread !! What sort of yield do ya pull mrs kitty ?
  9. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I agree bro countrys fucked ! The rate for my trade has over halved since the boom nearly better off on the dole with a few nixers The missus brother went the council route with the morgage,he got a fine house in a nice place Ive 4 kids myself its not easy man. Nearly time to get rich or die...
  10. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I know the feelin with the kids bro they have to come first !! Best of luck with the morgage House prices is goin up you gonna buy or build ? Women are cunts at times man ! Mine is anyways,it seems the older shes gettin the crazier shes
  11. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Ta very much man good to know Ive seen a few of your grows slipp well impressed !
  12. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Lookin nice fellas ! Cant wait to set up again yiz are givin me the itch...ha @Naes good look in your new venture bro,hope it goes well. Wish i could stay off the smoke For a month i think id crack.. Feel a bit naked posting with no grow on but she will be comein soon boys.soon as i get...
  13. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The longest ive been off it in 15years is 12 days i think im a Had to pack up growin a while back,new nipper in the house Got myself in with a foreigner 5g for 50 I think if i had to pay street prices id def pack it in 2g for 50 its mad..
  14. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Looking good bro ! they b grand Never been to amsterdam will go someday Misses has a trip to salou booked for next year,hope ill b able go to barcelona to get some smoke Wont b a holiday if i dont get sorted! Im a moody cunt when im
  15. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Thats good money lads fair play ! Anyone know much about smart meters ? Read somewere they will have them in every home by 2022. B nice to have outdoor dialled in
  16. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Glad to hear man.. Notin on the go at the moment bro,added a few chaps to the family meself little fuckers after puttin years on change them for the world,gonna start again soon,i try get one in for xmas
  17. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Congrats man hope all went well,new kid @hardwork very rewardin tho ☺☺☺
  18. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Congrats man hope eve
  19. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Stay safe my man!!!! A lot of ships get sunk in ireland
  20. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Any sign of ae86 raising from the dead again,good grower that fella !!!