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  1. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Great suggestion that is what I did I took a took a couple of the smaller lower limb buds and I am drying them now, I will give them a try and see what I think and go from there thanks for the suggestion..
  2. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    That is so funny because that is exactly what I thought the answer would be 2 more weeks... I think I could come back in 6 months and they would still say 2 more weeks LOL. I had already made my mind up though that were not quite ready just was curious what the response would be and it was as...
  3. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Ok it has been almost 3 weeks since my first post I think I know the answer but what do you guys thing is it ready to harvest now?
  4. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    I think you bring up a good point because I started flowing these the first of Nov. but the actual flowers really didn't kick off good till Mid Nov so with that than my plants are really at about 8 weeks in full flower not 10 looking at all these charts I think when I see amber Tri's it time to...
  5. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    WOW team thank you this helps a whole lot YouTube videos were just not doing it this makes a lot more sense. I will give them time I want the best herb I can get out of these that and my clones I will just keep cutting back as well I got me some new starts that look like will be prefect to go...
  6. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Here are a couple from today...
  7. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    I will get a better photo tonight the ones I took don't show the red hairs like it looks in real...
  8. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Ok guys I think I am there here is photo from a couple days ago I am now well over 10 weeks in bloom I don't want to ride this out to long but I keep looking for those amber tri's but you can see my buds are very frosted lots of red hair and smell wonderful.
  9. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Thanks yeah part of the problem is I am limited on real-estate and I a have some clones that are out growing my starters area and these are still taking up the main grow area but I sure do not want to mess up my flowers either... Guess I will just keep cutting back the clones as I have been so...
  10. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Well I followed your advise and feed them some nitrogen really greened up what leaves I have left here is new photo of the buds I am thinking I am getting close they are really frosty now glad I waited I am thinking another week and harvest?
  11. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    I am learning that I also have learned that I let them Veg to long next time I think I will start the bloom after about 2 months not 3 like I did these they got to tall...
  12. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Thanks will do...
  13. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Thanks...I gave them a nitrogen boast a couple weeks ago and noticed the tips of the leaves were starting to burn so I have been giving them nothing but water since I worry about the leaves yellowing but everyone says that is normal at this point... I have bloom formula that is 2-10-10 do you...
  14. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Well after babying these things for last 5 months sure don't want anything but primo bud...
  15. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Thanks I will continue to wait then...
  16. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Ok thanks I will let her continue then should I continue with my bloom booster?
  17. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    I posted one
  18. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    I posted one see what you think....
  19. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    It smells like skunk right now super strong smell.
  20. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Well I started flushing last week with just water at this point I think I was overfeeding anyway...