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  1. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Looks really nice for sure but in the end it's all about the buzz...
  2. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    I just left all the lights on bloom and veg I read that was the best way to run them this is my second crop doing that... I thought about going to bloom but it just looks like the Red is the only thing going when you do that and the light is whole lot less intense
  3. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Sorry you are correct I mean PPFD ...
  4. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    I am measuring it with a light meter...
  5. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Yeah they are all frosty right now I am hoping to see some reddish tint soon...
  6. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Dang it's looking so good yummy...
  7. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Yeah good point after photo I decided those leaves need to go Lol...
  8. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Let them Veg to long and didn't trim them enough but last time I did that and ended running out of space so there is a balance there LOL.. My grow area is only 36"x36" and 80" tall..
  9. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    That's Ok that is why I am on here to get advice. To answer your questions yes I check the PH it's 6.7 and the PPM is about a 1000 room temp is challenge in the daytime I have seen 95 deg but that is with fans going nighttime 70's. I am feeding them Calcium, Nitrogen as well as some potash. My...
  10. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    I agree they are dying but not from care they get all the nutrients and water they require maybe it's the size of my grow room or my pot size this happened last time too so I am lost at what it could be, no matter I tried a sample yesterday and it's the bomb so I did something right...
  11. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    It's plants but here you go... Mind you it's 2 strains I know one of them isn't there but the Do-si-do really looks ready...
  12. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Well I am open for suggestions it's not like they don't get watered when they need it. Since this is my second grow I can tell as they finish flowering they just start drying up from the bottom up no matter how much food and water you give them.
  13. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    In a couple weeks it will be dry on the vine it already feels like hard candy when you try to pinch it.
  14. Imelectron

    Latest Bud

    Well this is my second crop brought this one up from seed... I think she is ready to harvest just a little under 8 weeks since I starting flowing... BTW this bud is bigger than my hand is...
  15. Imelectron

    Second Harvest

    Here is my second harvest still a few weeks left but they are looking yummy... These were grown from seeds...
  16. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Funny you should mention that as I agree there is a lot more work to trimming than I realized LOL...
  17. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Well the big buds are now hanging to dry now and here are smaller ones looks like I got a pretty good yield out of 2 plants in 3x3...
  18. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Well many weeks later I am now harvesting today did I wait long enough I sure hope so... Let me guess two more weeks
  19. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Well I still haven't harvested but I plan to in the next couple days thanks for all the help the plants where no where ready when I started this thread I realize that now they have changed so much is the last 3 1/2 weeks...
  20. Imelectron

    Newbie first harvest

    Well I took your suggestion and took a couple small buds and did a quick dry in front of a fan and WOW it's excellent I plan to harvest this Saturday I am so happy :weed: for a first crop I am amazed it's better than most I have gotten at the local dispensary. I will post some buds when I trim...