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  1. 0vergrown420

    Intake are extractor

    Most people run negative pressure (extractor fan). When its hooked up to a carbon filter it keeps nosy neighbors from smelling you treasure lol
  2. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I listened to that and had no idea about any of it... thanks for that
  3. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Thats some bullshit! Im glad I came here!
  4. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I'm making time now. Better late than never, right?
  5. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Your right for the most part. I have heard about details but they have had a republican twist put on them. Like I said, the more time goes on the more I'm seeing lies on rep side and want the truth. I want the big picture. Yeah I've been on here for 2 days cause now my curiosity is peaked...
  6. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    All I know about Russia anything is just what I heard. Mostly from Sean Hannity. I have not looked in to it in the past because all I hear is that its a hoax. I'm tired of just taking what I hear as fact and just want a full perspective. Thank you for giving me the time of day as I am only hear...
  7. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Thank you! Republicans won't show shit like this...
  8. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I work and come home. Only over the last month have I started watching the news at home. Before that it was talk radio, (republican) and youtube. I know I should stay in touch with the world better but I don't have much free time.
  9. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I agree, Trump was definitely the bigger kid. I am really trying to set aside all preconceived notions and assumptions I had before and take a mind wide open approach to this. I am not a Trump supporter but with the way things have been portrayed to me it has led me to be more in favor of the...
  10. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I live in a vastly republican area and all anyone gets to see and hear is the republican side. Its so easy to just believe what you hear and jump on board than to take time and question what everyone around you says and find valuable info on the democratic side. I am not a Trump supporter. I...
  11. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Thank you for such a helpful response. I'll definitely check out those links when I have a min. I clicked on this thread and started reading because the more time goes on the more I want to know more about the democratic side. When I seen Wolf Blitzer letting Polosi have it, and they're on the...
  12. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I have state farm but no affiliation lmao
  13. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I'm figuring out that there are a great many ppl that know a lot more about the political situation than I. It wasn't till a few months ago that I have been LOOKING at democrats side instead of just putting stock in what I hear. I cant help how biased the sources are in my area. Hence why I'm...
  14. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    No its really mine. 2 reasons I aint been on in years. 1, I have been successful enough to not need any help. 2, it's still illegal where I live so I am compelled to not post. The real name is Jake.
  15. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Yes morals mean a lot to me. I can only speak on the things that I have seen and heard. I live in a primarily republican area so I'm sure all of my feeds and the radio are biased. I just want the big picture before I cast any vote.
  16. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Oh my mind is far from made up. I have a brain and it works very well. I don't have much time to respond (@Work). The radio station i listen to is the most convenient way for me to get info. I don't trust much else because both sides have been accused of things and both sides have things I like...
  17. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I'll be the first to say I don't agree with much that he does. I don't hava whole lot of time to dig deep in to all the things that have been said about Trump. I didn't know anything about bounties on troops. I go to work and come home. I live in the mountains so there is not much politically...
  18. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Nope its mine. I get on here every few months to keep up with new methods, strains, all around info. I am NOT trying to come off as a troll. I guess I really meant to say I was surprised the level of emotion democrats show. I have a small circle on perpous. Ppl piss me off lol.
  19. 0vergrown420

    What has Trump done to this country?

    My first reply on RIU in years. I had to say, I didn't know there were so many ppl that hated Trump the way I've seen in this thread. I am a man of facts and science and like to think I have more common sense than most but between the pitiful options of Trump or Biden I have to go with Trump...
  20. 0vergrown420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    I'm out. I'm having bad ph problems with my soil or water and it's already bout killed the leaves on her. There's always next time lol have fun, skip the drama, and happy growing :)