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  1. Spirallight

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    You need two fans. Intake is almost always passive. You do not need an intake fan. Cut holes at the bottom of your tent and use black plumber pipe and make two 90 degree angles to keep light out of the tent. Make sure the pressure stays negative. One fan will control the heat from the lamps...
  2. Spirallight


    Adding a 400 watt high pressure sodium bulb does not cost much at all. I do not know what bulb you have listed above. Grow with hid lamps. It is worth it.
  3. Spirallight

    Do my plants look Healthy?

    For the next time, don't feed them until they show signs that they need something. My old method was to keep using bigger soil containers and fox farm ocean forest until flowering. By the second week of flowering they needed a good 1/2 strength dose of ferts. By that time the plants were already...
  4. Spirallight

    plants levees turning yellow any ideas?

    It doesn't look bad by any means. Doesn't jump out to me and say one thing or another. Possible heat stress is all I can see. Get rid of the low intensity lighting and get an hps and then those buds would be huge.
  5. Spirallight

    Brown or rust colored spots getting worse help!

    Going to re assess tonight. The runoff ph was a little high but nothing scary. I feel like runoff is just the exact same water as what went into the plant. I've got clones of these to make into mothers so the sooner I can figure out what these plants like the easier my life will be in the future.
  6. Spirallight

    Brown or rust colored spots getting worse help!

    Also I am fairly confident on the cal/mag issue as well. I am dealing with that now. It showed at week 5 of veg. Btw everything is from seed right now, so the sooner I learn the plants the faster I can avoid these issues next time around.
  7. Spirallight

    Brown or rust colored spots getting worse help!

    Yeah so of course I try to keep ph regulated by testing in the tube which is fairly accurate. I think the GO veg/grow food lowers the shit out of the ph. My water is 7.2 so i lower it slightly with ph down. Someone recommend a good ph meter for testing water for my soil grow. I am sick of...
  8. Spirallight

    Brown or rust colored spots getting worse help!

    Ok got it. I was thinking more of a ph issue than boron. Only because i have never seen the deficiency before. I am using general organics line and ocean forest. I suppose overwatering is a possibility but i keep good charts of how often they are watered. Typically every 3-5 days. The drooping...
  9. Spirallight

    Brown or rust colored spots getting worse help!

    Growing in soil. Ocean forest. Transplanted from three to five gallon buckets 14 days ago. First nutrient solution at half rate was 4 days ago. The problem has been there for over a week at least. Got much worse last night. Plants are just over one week into flowering. New growth looks fine to...
  10. Spirallight

    How much light and vent? 6.5 X 4 X 8 grow tent.

    The two fan scenario is crucial if you plan to add additional co2 into the mix. The reason being that you can run your air cooled hoods while the co2 is being dispersed and your fan is not sucking the co2 directly out of the room. There are a million different scenarios on how to do things...
  11. Spirallight

    How much light and vent? 6.5 X 4 X 8 grow tent.

    Oh yeah. You can just have one exhaust fan if you like. As long as it can keep the temps within your set parameters it's all good. Even if the fan does have to work 24/7 they are rated to handle that. Make sure though to invest in a simple controller because otherwise you are going to be...
  12. Spirallight

    Anybody experts good with CFM's

    Who cares about pushing vs. pulling? My questions is why are you planning on wasting valuable floor space for a filter?
  13. Spirallight

    How much light and vent? 6.5 X 4 X 8 grow tent.

    2 600's can be exhausted by one 6" can fan or similar. I like the can fan because of its low amperage. As for filtering you will need a second 6" fan. L x w x h = 208 / 3 = 70 cfm minimum. So I'd go with the can 33 filter or grab the can lite 6" and you should be gtg. Remember. Lights need...
  14. Spirallight


    So my final sasquatch is female thank god. She's cloned and healthy so far. Got the cal mag issues worked out and all the nightstar's look great. Probably could have let the sasquatch veg for a lot longer as she is staying super compact and short. It's wild. Had 12/12 success rate on the bio...
  15. Spirallight

    small rust spots

    I don't know the problem, but it is a little strange to see a cal/mag issue the fourth week into flowering. Typically you see that happen at week four from seed. Also the copper color is more blotching that pinpoint dots such as you have. Not sure if someone mentioned it or not, but check for...
  16. Spirallight

    My Clone Looks Like a Green Bean

    always pitch the weaker clones as practice. If you have others. Weak clones never fully regain true vigor or potential.
  17. Spirallight

    Help! My beautiful white widow is sad...

    Shouldn't the water be around 5.5 in hydro? You just said it was over 8. That's probably the issue.
  18. Spirallight


    Damn! 5 of my Sasquatch turned male. I did everything to baby them into turning female. Metal Halide, low temps, good circulation. Only stress indured was topping. My sixth plant has yet to show signs so I am assuming it's female (praying) at this point. My co-worker is a fucking idiot...
  19. Spirallight

    Repotting plants...from a 2 gallon container to a 5

    Wait until the medium dries out a little bit. Roll outside of the two gallon pot around some to loosen the whole root system. Bear in mind that if your plant is severely root bound it will not grow into new soil. I typically cut a good amount of the roots at the bottom of the plant so it will...
  20. Spirallight


    Also it looks like I will have two different phenos of both the sasquatch and the nightstar. Both strains are super vigorous and fairly healthy. Not sure what I had going on one of the sasquatch though. Like maybe some nutrient burn from the ocean forest. Room is a 600watt metal halide run...