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  1. wheels619

    gas dryer co/co2 questions.

    hmm. so is co harmful to plants? all the studies ive looked at online suggest contradict one another. one says good one says bad. harful or helpful. pain in the ass google. has anyone ever used the dryer before for co2?
  2. wheels619

    gas dryer co/co2 questions.

    so i was curious for a quick answer. ive been searching and looking all morning and get different theories as to whether or not this will work. i was wondering if my dryer exhausted co2 or just co and if it is just co can or is it usable in my garage by my girls if i closed the door and never...
  3. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    still kickin it. blazin. lol.
  4. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    one of my shitty neighbors has shitty bud going somewhere around me. i end up with a few seeds here and there on my outdoor with no hermie issues. i have seeds either becuz he/she cant tell what a male is or he/she just doesnt give a shit. either way im dreading next seasons outdoor just becuz...
  5. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    yeah dude. it cracks me up. they sell everything you need for a smaller setup. i was laughing so hard when i found it. they have dwcs and recirculating systems and everything now. also have some hydrofarm stuff.
  6. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    exactly. lol. if i dont need it at that exact moment ill order them online.
  7. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    wait my high ass forgot you were talking about the saucers. lol. for those i just use the same amount of nute water every time i hook the girls up. very little runoff. never flush. just always up the pot size so much i never really need to. shit seems to grow just fine. lol. 1 gallon for about 2...
  8. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    i use a submersible pump for everything. screw lifting shit anymore. lol. i drop a pump in the bucket with a hose attached leading to the sink plug it in and im done works well for all my drain to waste nutes. have been hooking the orange and tangerine tree up as of late tho. home depot has the...
  9. wheels619

    Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

    hey did you buy the thousand brand new with a new bulb? or was it a hand me down kinda thing? i only ask becuz i had bad juju with bulbs in my 1000s becuz they were old. couldnt tell from just seeing it but the final product suffered. i now change my bulbs every 3 grows 4 max. found out the...
  10. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    its hard to say happy vets day when a guy doesnt have a cell phone. lol. happy late vets day my brotha.
  11. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    i would be having the same problem still except my cheap $250 dollar greenhouse keeps the moisture out when i close it up at nights. the plants i had outside of the greenhouse got trashed already. they lasted about 3-4 weeks before being unbearable to look at. :(
  12. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    bbq? Hhmmmmm?
  13. wheels619

    How much light do I really need? lol. your good dude.keep the bulbs close as possible to the buds once flowering.
  14. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    i have good climate, good genetics and i dont have to worry about bugs. :) but thats my indoor. i found my outdoor more work than the indoor ever is. mostly in the bug department. lmao. fuckin pillars.
  15. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    he was in a car accident a while back and lost one of his legs. had some brain damage and almost died. when he was healed and better he wasnt the same guy anymore. he had money and was always depressed. got into drinking and drugs to help and ended up hanging himself in his bathroom.
  16. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    it is what it is. he was a troubled soul. hopefully he is doing better now than he was when he was with us.
  17. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    shit dude. he is working so much lately im not sure he ever has free time. i have a buddy who died viewing tomorrow. so im pretty booked up this weekend. i wish i could tho.
  18. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    is that a machete? becuz machete dont text. lol.
  19. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    also your buds look dank. lol. forgot to put that one in my last message.
  20. wheels619

    Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

    damn dude. you should vertical scrog the walls of that thing with a couple 600s. :) looking at the height you have to work with kinda gave me a chubby. haha.