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  1. M

    Fermented plant extracts

    I used equal parts bananas, mangos, papayas, and different squash. I used a ton of fruit, filled like half a 5 gallon bucket after it was all ran through a food processor. Then I just poured a bunch of molasses over it. I tried to not over do the molasses because I did read that too much...
  2. M

    Fermented plant extracts

    Don I really appreciate your wisdom, I've been reading alot of your posts and man your badass! I have another quick question about comfrey. I just got myself a few of these magical plants. I know your a big fan of top dressing with it. Can I also make a tea with the fresh leaves? I feel...
  3. M

    Fermented plant extracts

    Thanks so very much for your tips! I found this steel strainer and it worked out way better. Still messy though, but that doesn't bother me too much. I am definitely going to try a different sugar source next time though. Do you have a source that you use more than others?
  4. M

    Fermented plant extracts

    Thanks so very much!
  5. M

    Fermented plant extracts

    Good morning folks! I've been playing around with some different FPE recipes that I found from My extract has been sitting for a month, equal parts molasses and fruit. I'm having a hard time straining the "liquid" however. It's so thick it really just clogs up...
  6. M

    Fermented plant extracts

    Good morning folks! I've been playing around with some different FPE recipes that I found from My extract has been sitting for a month, equal parts molasses and fruit. I'm having a hard time straining the "liquid" however. It's so thick it really just clogs up...
  7. M

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Hello again fellow nerds! I am making a couple different FPE at the moment and I am wondering if anyone has fermented Star Thistle? It grows like crazy where I live and I am just wondering if this is a plant I should be focused on extracting. THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT FRIENDS!!!
  8. M

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    That's what I thought, but just wanted to make sure. I didn't want to be wasting those amazing enzymes! This thread is the most amazing thing I've found on soil, and I've only read through 1/6 of it so far! Thanks so much to all you friendly peeps!!!
  9. M

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I am hoping someone can clear up a little confusion for me with the SSTs. I know that I discard the water after the initial soak. I am wondering if I save the water from the 2nd soak and use that water when I blend the sprouted seeds. Or do I simply dump the 2nd soaks water too and then blend...
  10. M

    SST (sprouted seed tea) do's and donts?

    Ok friends I have a quick question about the SSTs. I know that I discard the water after the first soak, it's full of growth inhibitors. Do I save the water after the second soak and then use that water when I blend the sprouted seeds? Or am I just blending up the sprouted seeds with fresh...
  11. M

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Hello super smart peoples! So grateful for this thread, and a few others that I jumped into because of all this great knowledge here. I've been reading alot the past few days and am starting to incorporate aloe, coconut, and SST's into my garden. Before this season I purchased a very nice...
  12. M

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Thanks Mo! Your awesome
  13. M

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Wow! Just finished my first batch with my new washing machine and frenchy bags from boldtbags. Everything is so nice and just works so smooth. The bags are so much nicer than my bubble magic bags! Does anyone have any tips for draining the machine? Mine was getting clogged a little, but it...
  14. M

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Thanks so much Frenchy! I am so very very grateful for the wealth of knowledge you have shared. Your passion for hashish is inspiring, and I look forward to creating some deliciousness that gets your stamp of approval.
  15. M

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Mo as always ur awesome and a super big help! Thanks so much buddy!!!
  16. M

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    WOW! I finally just read through all 249 pages of this thread, and I have to say that I am a new man. My perspective on hash is a complete 180 from when I started this and a couldn't be more grateful. Thank you everyone! Especially you Frenchy! MO your quite knowledgeable and badass too...