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  1. bulla

    HPS light not working

    its winter we just lost electric for 3 days from trees down I have a shit load of seeds that just popped soil they lived so will yours , I know people that grow seeds in the dark to pop soil and they check every 2-3 days so those seeds started in dark and grew with no problems for a few day now...
  2. bulla

    When to harvest? Not sure of strain.

    need better pics like a side pic would be good
  3. bulla

    New seedling leaves down

    just curious I always use just plain water the 1st week or so of seeds never have I used any kinda nutes but a rootone I add to my water what kinda nutes do you use ? and i do soil for the most part
  4. bulla

    New seedling leaves down

    I think over watered let it go till pot feels light and roots stretch it should bounce back what are u using tap water ?
  5. bulla

    Will og kush auto flower smell the house bad?

    can have a bunch of plants in veg and not really smell them but once I switch to 12/12 that's when the stink comes
  6. bulla

    Are leds bad?

    I just bought the phlizon 2000 and I was floored when I plugged it in the light was bright , now this is my 1st cob/led so I don't know how good they work but I do know they are bright and don't have hardly any heat compared to the hps/mh bulbs plus I guess they are a lot better on the electric...
  7. bulla

    Nute burn??

    im gonna have to say the same deficiency maybe feed a little more see what it looks like in a week
  8. bulla

    Will og kush auto flower smell the house bad?

    carbon scrubber for the room and frebreez for the roommate
  9. bulla

    BC Bud Depot

    Fuck bc bud sent them almost $600 a few years ago never got shit when I contacted them they said cash never made it I have sent cash to many companies never had a problem I do believe they fucked me or someone in company did oh well that's the risk of sending cash
  10. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    Yea get some more replies I grow in big rooms I have made small tents but only once grew in one just to small for me I am speaking from trying to keep my clone tent cool that's a bitch I had a 1000 in a tent for one day then I put in a 600 I grew that one crop it was enough for me sure...
  11. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    So u wanna exhaust air and while that fan pushes air out u are wanting it to also draw new air in at the same time passively thru the small holes in the walls of the tent right ? I think I understand u and if so I don't like the idea I push fresh air in my rooms and I push old air out
  12. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    I'd pull air from the AC room for sure
  13. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    I'm gonna say you would be better off with a 600 watt as far as heat but then again if I was doing a 4x4 I'd prob try to push for a 1000 too I'd just figure out heat
  14. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    Oh I see passive i air in I don't think that's gonna be enough cool air u gotta push fresh air in that's aorta heat in a 4x4 tent
  15. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    well u need air coming in tent how are u getting cool air in tent
  16. bulla

    Okay what is this growing on my stems?

    oh fuck I thought they were old my outdoor plants get rough stalks it looks just like that sorry no answers for ya
  17. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    yea and what's pushing in in that tent ? If u are counting on oscillating fans I think your in for some problems
  18. bulla

    First grow

    I think u got some time I'd say 3 weeks plus a week long flush
  19. bulla

    Is This A Good Setup? 4x4, 1000w HPS/MH, more

    I think it's gonna be a hot one