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  1. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Unconventional Organics

    No where near that much. Maybe a half pound total? Just being frugal/thrifty, rather do some work and spend less monies. I'll for sure get some orphans though. Does it matter if the hands are labored prior to crushing? JK
  2. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Read through this thread, but didn't see any advice on bedding material ratios. Figure it would be different based on user, but might as well ask. Would you all say 8qt of coir to 10gal bin is a sufficient worm bedding? 10gal=40qt(160cup) 40/8=5, so 20%? Also, add 2 cups pearlite? 2/160= .0125...
  3. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Unconventional Organics

    Cuttlebone work as yet another calcium alternative? Cheap and usually at all pet stores. Even Wallyworld has it. I could also harvest oysters themselves, they take a good time to get to size, but they are prolific. Thinking the thick foot plate would dull up a (blender/coffee grinder). I...
  4. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Unconventional Organics

    Also as an alternative to oyster flour, do you all think barnacle shells powdered would work? I could just put a thin paving slab in the intracoastal and it'll be loaded with them in a month.
  5. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Unconventional Organics

    l'm about to start vermicomposting.. (Edit)Are these unconventional? What about mud dauber nests that have already hatched? Orange : Clay, Grey/Black : Soil. Usually each chamber contains fragments of insect or spiders, molt from the wasp pupate. The slime from a fresh water fish tank filter...
  6. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Doggy Ass Gas Got Me Thinking...

    I've had that baby poo, cheese notes before. But worse was a overpowered bad wine / rotten fruit. Smelt like trash can water.
  7. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Can you sell male anal virginity and how much do they sell for?

    It depends also on your age. Some older men will pay a large sum, virgin or not, just for a young ride. A female friend of mine offered the idea once to a mutual gay friend struggling with work and school. Long story short. He finished college and recieved alot of "gifts".
  8. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    Hello and Thanks

    I used to have a closet. Now it has clothes. I used to have a box. Time has claimed it. I still have the parts. Some still new, never got put to use. Some old, still has use. A few seeds were planted, a few plants were raised. A few seeds still saved from those days. When I had a closet, I...
  9. RuRu.The.Half.Elf

    New to LED looking for assistance designing a light

    Sexy sp120's. I am a die-hard fan(pun?) of them. I really like this build. :) OH and first post. LoL