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  1. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    So, Once we have selected a driver and know its current output, we simply divide that output by the total current draw of the COB(s) and this will give us Amp figure which is represented by the Amps column in the spreadsheet. Then we multiply corresponding [50c %] * [50c diss W] figures giving...
  2. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Could you please rephrase that using spreadsheet column names from the above for sake of clarity. That way there is no confusion. Thanks. EDIT: Better still, a legend of the column names would allow understanding of everything within the spreadsheet. The COB spreadsheet thread lacks this...
  3. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    My understanding is that these scales are logarithmic, but for the sake of the discussion, is this how the comparisons are calculated? Running 2 strings of 5 x CXB2530 on HLG-240H-C1400b at 700mA per string would place flux percentage (50c % column) at somewhere between the 0.5 x 0.8 rows...
  4. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Honest mistake. I'm sure Airwalker16 wasn't aware of my location. This is the shit I'm trying to get my head around. Until then, I will have to rely on the knowledge of you guys. So basically I'm going to be consuming 50W more power for a couple of thousand extra lumens. So if you were in...
  5. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Thanks, but I'm in Australia and the postage would be the killer.
  6. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    I'm still learning so excuse my ignorance, but the fact that the 2530 is half price could be the determining factor. If they put the 3590 or 3070 on special at half price, then that would definitely get my attention. Having said that, I'm not automatically discounting anything. I'd love to get...
  7. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    OK. So now where crunching the numbers. This is the shit I've yet to absorb. Does this mean that the 3070 & 3590 are more efficient than the 2530, therefore costing less for the output produced? If I had to choose between cheaper power or better buds... Do I need to go on? Unless my thinking...
  8. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Excellent!! HLG-240H-C1400B is $152. So 10 x CXB2530 @ $15 ea + 1 x HLG-240H-C1400B @ $152 ea = Grand Total: $302 I haven't crunched the exact numbers 'cause I've yet to figure out exactly...
  9. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Thanks. Validates my thinking. 33% increase in LED cost for a 7-8% gain isn't worth it. Ooohhhhh... Things just got a lot better. I'm guessing you're talking about these CXB2530-0000-000N0UT230H COBS at $15 each? Would I need an...
  10. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    I quickly put this together in Paint to give you a visual of the layout I plan on using. Opinions? Any unforeseen problems I may not have considered? Thanks.
  11. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    That'll add another $100 and blow my budget. What started out as two CXB3590s bought locally and a driver from OS totalling $300 has now ended up as four CXB3050s and a driver bought locally for $333. Given my cabinet dimensions, that would have to be an improvement, yes? I had allocated $300...
  12. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    So this is what's available in Australia. Will it do? It's $33 more than the HLG-120C-1050B, but it sounds like $33 well spent. I'm sold. Thanks everyone, flowering lights have been...
  13. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Right now I'm trying to absorb the COB Efficiency Spreadsheets to try and understand the driver/COB relationship better. After posting my previous post I wasn't sure if the HLG-120C-1050B was for the CXB3070 or CXB3570, or whether it could be used on both. I'm guessing it will work with both...
  14. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Final Question, and the deal is done. I found an Australian supplier of Mean Well HLG-120C-1050 drivers saving me over $100 purchasing one from OS which means the budget allows for a total of four CXB3070s. So will 4 x CXB3070 (CXB3070-0000-000N0HBB35G) and an HLG-120C-1050B driver work...
  15. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    So I've been considering everything I have learnt over the last few weeks, and from the replies above I'm lead to believe that the height of my cabinet may be too small for the best space/lighting combination, so maybe I should change my plan once again. (so much to learn....) The full size of...
  16. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    You've sold me. 3 x 3050s sounds not only doable but possibly better. has two 3050s that I can select from: CXB3070-0000-000N0HAD30G ( CXB3070-0000-000N0HBB35G ( So...
  17. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Oops! My bad. Forgot to mention this will be a SCROG grow with the light height adjusted as required. Does that make a difference? I'm hoping to get away with only needing 2 COBs. Thanks for the quick replies.
  18. C

    noob about to make a final decision. Please help.

    Hi RIU, Long time reader, first time poster, and finally pulling my finger out to build myself an indoor grow cabinet and am trying to finalise my lighting. The internal dimensions of the cabinet measure 860mm wide x 450mm deep and it's 1200mm high (approximately 3.5' x 1.8' & 4' high) which...