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  1. R

    Remote DWC Underground

    Going into week 4 of veg from clones, wee bit of heat burn cause I was pushing them a little hard but just learning there limits, got them under 2 hi-par 630’s. That area is a 1.5 x 1.5m. Got couple of home brews in there pumping in the Co2. Little bit of trail and error at the moment but they...
  2. R

    Remote DWC Underground

    More nuts you use, the more money they are making. and yup ive only just started my first grow and im working off 1/4 of the feed sheet and they are doing well, am i okay to share a picture?
  3. R

    Remote DWC Underground

    when are you dropping in some co2 :D
  4. R

    Remote DWC Underground

    It’s looking lovey
  5. R

    Remote DWC Underground

    this is fucking awesome, keep up the updates man, -bump. hope the misso doesnt think you cheating because your sneaking off to the toilet to check on the lovely little lady you got growing there haha :D
  6. R

    First Grow - Problems

    thanks jay ill be sure to save the photo!
  7. R

    First Grow - Problems

    hey hodrod!! yeah from a clone my friend...
  8. R

    First Grow - Problems

    hey guys first post, just need a little bit of help where possible. got browning of the edges on some of the leaves and also got slight clawing of the leaves aswell.... thought i would check to make sure its all good and what every ones thoughts were... done a wee bit of research and putting it...