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  1. B

    Growth seems to be yellowing

    The tomatoes however seem easier upkeep then the weed maybe I'm just more worry wart about the weed since I'm looking forward to some good bud. My LP is to having its it's way with me hard and doesnt buy me dinner first. I keep having the thought of my seedlings last year dying in the back of...
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    RO 100 or less ppm is safe. The spring water has quite a few minerals but its ph seems normal. As for calcium and magnesium my advance nutrients seem to hold plenty of those. I can add calmag to it though I have a bottle left over from my tomato crop. Btw my tomatoes came out huge for an indoor...
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    Ppms are between 100-150 before on the RO water and 500 on the spring water
  4. B

    Growth seems to be yellowing

    Ah on the bottles of the 3 part formula it talks about micro and grow for seedlings 1ml of each per litre of water
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    It’s 5.5 after nutes / 6.5 regular water sorry about the typo. It’s promix it’s mostly peatmoss and perlite not exactly soil although I did add sheep manure. As for the other post, my nutes test was using micro and grow together fraction of seedling dose but that was only a test I think it...
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    That's what I thought since the ends of them appear to be healthy it's just the center part of it is yellow. I'll keep an eye on it
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    Starting with the biggest plant, Aug3 seed cracked AM biggest plant Aug3 seed cracked PM mid size plant Aug4 seed cracked AM smallest plant A day later they all sprouted in same order 24hrs later. I oddly cant find this problem early on online like mine I only see this problem when first few...
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    Here is also a higher quality photo in the led lights
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    Here you go
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    Growth seems to be yellowing

    While it appears to be growing fine two f my plants are showing new growth to have a tinge of yellowing. Went from Jiffy pellets to solo cups to peat pots.. Yesterday I tried to give a very very little dose of nuts micro and grow at a very small dose within minutes it seemed like the yellow was...
  11. B

    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    I like when the plants perk up it's like us when we're happy were all perked up the yellowing seemed to have disappeared hours after watering shes very perky on all 3
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    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    Watered 4 day, The baby of them is growing funny a little shriveled at the ends.. but is showing 2nd leaves. The main one I can't ask for better. The middle one seems to be yellowing I do have my LEDs at 30 inches like recommended. But it's also the trileaf and also I think was the one that...
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    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    Once I can get the third or 4th set of leaves I should be fine. Hopefully she grows a little more tonight
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    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    I transferred to jiffy pots to see if the root was bounded and it wasnt. This is where I'm at, the middle plant seed cracked early am aug 3rd, the one nearest the door to left cracked later aug 3rd while the upper left cracked aug 4th Am I think there doing well given 2 are 5 days old while the...
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    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    I RIP the nets off soon I see the little sprout come out of the pellet I know from that point roots go coocoo for cocopuffs or in this case search for water. I had some zuccinis die in pellets with the net on got root bounded within the net itself dodnt want to poke out. I didnt take any...
  16. B

    Outdoor grow outta control.

    Can you put anchors at the top to anchor some of the stems to train it to slow down and grow a little bushier instead of vertical?
  17. B

    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    One of my seedlings roots have started to show at the top of solo cup it barely has first set of true leaves growth it's impossible its root bound I potentially wasnt giving enough water but I did give the 3 shotglass of water only no nutes.. havent watered since
  18. B

    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    Awesome ty
  19. B

    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    So if I'm doing one shot glass a day and spritzing it then i am over watering the seedling right? After doing one shot glass I should leave it for a few days
  20. B

    Jiffy pellet to solo cup watering

    I'm currently growing blueberry and I went from a jiffy pellet after seeing the roots stick out to a solo cup. My first set of true leaves are starting to appear. In my solocup i got promix bx mixed with 25 percent sheep manure I was wondering during this specific phase how much water do some...