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  1. Abucks

    UV A And UV B In Late Flower

    I just ordered a bakers dozen of these. Lol
  2. Abucks

    1:1.5 coco test results

    Anybody out there doing a 1:1.5 soil test on their coco grow? I'd be curious as to your results. I've been doing them since the beginning of this grow. It's hard to find any info on what your results should be throughout the grow. I'm running the canna coco nutes and straight canna coco. Feeding...
  3. Abucks

    Canna coco

    Day 23 in flower. Shits going crazy. Realizing now I should have flipped the lights a week or so sooner. This is not quite a scrog anymore. But I'm not complaining. Looking to be a bumper crop for me. Here's a couple topless pics , and a couple upskirt pics.
  4. Abucks

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I wouldn't worry. Looking good!
  5. Abucks

    Most disorganised, last minute grow ever!

    How are the babies doing?
  6. Abucks

    2k querkle scrog

    Thsnks! Got a little out of control on me. Not really a true scrog any more. I never imagined growth like this. Lesson learned for next crop though.
  7. Abucks

    2k querkle scrog

    Couple upskirt shots of the girls on the start of day 23.
  8. Abucks

    2k querkle scrog

    23 days into flower and things are looking great. Despite another 4 hour power outage in the middle of the day cycle. This past week or so I bumped up to a daily feed. Normal strenght according to cannas feed chart. Thinking I might have to bump it up to the heavy feed. These girls can eat!
  9. Abucks

    Most disorganised, last minute grow ever!

    I don't know if it hurt or helped. I know of people using honey like molasses, it's only sugar, so I can't see it harming them. I've rooted with and without gells, and I have to give credit to the gells for at least a 25% increase in survival rate, and a good week quicker then when I don't use...
  10. Abucks

    Most disorganised, last minute grow ever!

    Geeze they are looking good!! Way to go :) don't worry about the clones, they can be a bugger to get started. The only other advice I can give on the clones would be to slowly get them out from under the humidity dome. Every time I use domes I regret it. I think the high humidity slows down root...
  11. Abucks

    AK 47

    Here they are. The two in the bigger potts went into flower at the same time, and same size. The two in the solo cups were put in a week later. The two in the big pots were the same size as the small one in the solo cup when they went in. It's been less then two weeks in flower. Not to bad...
  12. Abucks

    AK 47

    I use a homade airoponic cloner. These took 4 days to show root formation. It uses 2.5 gallons of ro water to which I add, a couple drops of superthrive, and 20 ml canna rhyzotonic, I normally transplant them in solo cups, but was out so I used the 6 liter pots. I recently converted to canna...
  13. Abucks

    AK 47

    I'll take a few when lights come on. There is only two in the flower room right now. They were the first clones ready to be sexed. I grow scrog so I have to know sex for sure even though they are feminized. I put those two in 6 liter pots as soon as the showed roots in my cloner, and straight...
  14. Abucks

    AK 47

    Great info. After looking at your pics, I'm like a kid 2 months before Christmas. Out of the four seeds I popped, 2 look sativa, and two look indica. They were fem seeds so all are female.
  15. Abucks

    AK 47

    Beautiful! Just popped a few ak47 fem seeds a couple months ago. Got one of them off to the side in my current grow. Can't wait to try a full run.
  16. Abucks

    Dealing with RFI….

    Thank you for the reply. You've already cleared up a lot of questions I had on this subject. We need more people like you on these sites.
  17. Abucks

    Dealing with RFI….

    Have you had any experience with solistek? I started buying these because of their, and others claim of low efi. They are costly, but worth it if they work as claimed. Thanks for the all the info!
  18. Abucks

    Dealing with RFI….

    Great read!
  19. Abucks

    Dealing with RFI….

    Solistek matrix. Purchased two of them a while back, and I'm sticking with them. From everything I've read, they put out less rfi then any other ballast.
  20. Abucks

    2k querkle scrog

    So for the last week I've been suspicious of the back 4 girls in this grow. A crop or so back I lost my bubblegum mom. This is most assuredly not due to being medicated while cloning. Anyways, I think I've found it. It's always been hard to tell the difference between the querkle and bubblegum...