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  1. Budddha

    Anyone Else Freeze their AACT

    I love the idea vostok... i usually dump mine on a tree, plant, or lawn; which isnt waste to me. but if i could freeze it and its still usable id definetly do that. Hopefully we have a scientist or two on here that knows more about it chimes in. i guess it depends on whats in it though. im...
  2. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    Muahahaha moms not workig tonight; wifes closing:fire:.... i might find some heinekens and tsingtaos too if im lucky:shock:
  3. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    Do we have plates utensils and napkins yet? im might be able to pick some up... or find some somewhere if im lucky.
  4. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    If youre really going i can likely bring some... im gonna have the wife deduct all this and my mileage some how anyways. i gotta get my moneys worh out of the college education since i paid for it; and skipped out on the uc and started paying for the wifes tuition instead.
  5. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    Lol isnt this a business related retreat/business networking thing? i fly on the clock and give my self an allowance for a room and food. work a couple hours then play on the clock:twisted:. i currently get paid to fish/clean up the river and sell lures and water for my non prof, and...
  6. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    Ill bring bags or steal togo boxes from my mother in laws resteraunt when i pick up the food for the bbq. how many people are we expecting? if we're expecting alot ill bring a whole pan of chow mein. if were expecting less i can bring 1/2 rice and noodles.
  7. Budddha


    Nerp i read it. why would i post non personal grow pics? lol for the ones that live in sac and go to clubs... sorry you have likely smoked my pee.:fire: If you notice i have likes throughout the thread
  8. Budddha


    Calijoke youre a special person... More retarded piss plants from ca... we must be dumb. Piss has worked fine for my family in china, japan, guam, pillipines, hawaii, australia, samoa, ca, col, atl, florida, ten, min, tx, az, nyc, juarez and michohacan too... so idk wtf youre talkin bout...
  9. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    If i can find a sitter ill camp out. otherwise ill be there saturday at 645; with extra bait if anyone wants to bait fish for stripers/cats. ill have some lures too if you wanna toss lures.
  10. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    Maybe ill camp out friday with one of my dogs so i dont have to drive over so early. if i go friday night i should have something before morning.
  11. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    Will be there early to help and then fish. if im lucky ill catch a striper or two for the grill. or trout? whats in the water bbq vets?
  12. Budddha

    rollitup 2016 Ski and Board club!

    Where are you zmuda? is that lake tahoe? looks familiar
  13. Budddha

    rollitup 2016 Ski and Board club!

    Whats up guys im late to the party... im not a pro but i can get down the mountain.:wink: ive been boarding for going on 25 years. ive been almost everywhere in ca over the years. im cheap and have kids so i have season pass at boreal in truckee. i try to go 1-4 times a week depending on my...
  14. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    Looks like im going to make it. i can come early. but if i do come early, the food im bringing will need to be warmed up by the time everyone shows up. what are your thoughts?
  15. Budddha

    I Beat Hard Drug Addiction

    Congrats alot of people dont have the will power:clap:. im trying to kick my opiates and pain pills but my body needs them still. :wall: I tell bums to pick up garbage if theres any around, ask to bum a cig, or ask them an easily answerable question about where we are or the time. if they...
  16. Budddha

    bamboo cloning in ca

    Whats up guys... it was about time to trim one of my bamboo clumps; and i thought id show u guys how to spread the love by recycling the bamboo cuttings. yes cuttings...!? yup all that stuff you throw away when you trim your bamboo is like throwing away gardener gold. if you have it at your...
  17. Budddha

    high tension in urban neighborhoods

    so what do you guys think is going to happen following the election. i think people want to riot over here in ca. I don't know if people are celebrating or protesting 37 shots fired so far and no cops here yet... I think it may be time to head for the hills.
  18. Budddha

    2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

    What kind of tackle should I bring. It says fishing on the flyer.
  19. Budddha

    SCROG Without Topping

    U dont need to scrog u dont have enough foliage. the trellis would help support them but wih that small amount id just use a couple sticks cuz that wont ne too much. id definetly spread the bottom branches out. your going to have a ton extra room so spread as much as possible to try and fill up...
  20. Budddha

    To SCROG or not to SCROG

    You should always use a trellis if you can. the plant will make more buds with support instead of trying to fix its stem when it snaps. if you can, do it. youll woncer why you didnt do it before. it ma,es growing so much easier when you dont need a dozen sticks per plant. one or two nets set up...