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  1. K

    Your CXA3590 Mission Should you Choose to Accept It !

    I wonder why buck puck's aren't used more, is there a reason ? seems you can dim all the way to 0. do you lose to much efficienty ?
  2. K

    Your CXA3590 Mission Should you Choose to Accept It !

    thanks, a little less chance to electrocute myself :) ...
  3. K

    Your CXA3590 Mission Should you Choose to Accept It !

    Could you explain this sentence for me, i'm a total noob when it comes to electricity, but i'm learning :)
  4. K

    Your CXA3590 Mission Should you Choose to Accept It !

    Thanks for the explanation Supra, and how about max voltage, can one use a driver with max 286V and use 288V or is it a hard cap ?
  5. K

    Your CXA3590 Mission Should you Choose to Accept It !

    The reason I ask is that you can only get high efficienty drivers with high voltage. It seems a bit silly to me to get the highest bins and then use a cheap driver and loose lumen/watt through that driver Will the situation above work ? can I connect 8 cobs on that driver ?
  6. K

    Your CXA3590 Mission Should you Choose to Accept It !

    Since there are now cxa3590 with 36V, wouldn't it be easier to just go with those ? @SupraSPL ; could one for example use HLG-185H-C700B to connect 8 x cxa3590's ? Max voltage = 286, but 36V x 8 = 288V, will it go into limp mode if I try to connect them ? how's that overvoltage-protection work...
  7. K

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Cool, and then fill up the rest of the voltage (6V) with single leds. 2.1A gives 2 'strings' of 1050mA (parallel), or 3 'strings' of 700mA. It's a great tip from GreenGenes somewhere with the cxa3070, here it makes even more sense :)
  8. K

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    What driver did you use and at what current ?
  9. K

    Your CXA3590 Mission Should you Choose to Accept It !

    it's not the total load that counts, it's the total voltage, if all voltage is filled up and you dim them to 50% you still have almost full efficienty. So it's important to use the remaining voltage for other leds and run everything in serie.
  10. K

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    thanks for the link, most interesting... i saw cxa3590 also with bin DB (13000 lumen), but can't find such ones, highest i found is BD (10000)
  11. K

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    2x3260 = 6520 <-> 6703, better light distribution but not more lumens...
  12. K

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    I was asking myself the same question, when you dim them, does it make that much different (lumen output) ?
  13. K

    Buying cxa3070 3000K AB's, a 20-pack, who wants some ? (Europe)

    Waiting for cobs and in my case more money to order stuff, but the closet is ordered :)
  14. K

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Yeah, didn't know what to think about 60° rise over ambient, I'm also surprised of the low numbers with the 9800 and convection cooling, the size (122x122) makes it perfect to slam 2 ventilators on it. Still undecided between the 2.
  15. K

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Hey Supra, thanks for the explanation. First plan was to use 8x cxa3070 in that closet @700 to 1050mA, then 8x cxa3590 @350 to 700mA, but since they are still too expensive 77€/ a piece (I calculated 6-7 years to get the difference in electricity back), so i'm back to 8x cxa3070, 700mA to...
  16. K

    Buying cxa3070 3000K AB's, a 20-pack, who wants some ? (Europe)

    hey Mathias, If you use 4 instead of 2 and you use the same total amount of watt in both cases, 4 will give less heat (for sure !) and a bit more light (and better distributed)
  17. K

    Buying cxa3070 3000K AB's, a 20-pack, who wants some ? (Europe)

    sorry dampfer, maybe happy75 can help you and ion1
  18. K

    Buying cxa3070 3000K AB's, a 20-pack, who wants some ? (Europe)

    @erl, No prices yet, or weight 730nm will follow once i'm started, since you only use it when flowering, first things first :) The blue/UV is necessary for thc-v production. I think it's the thc-v why I want to smoke, it's something typical for haze varieties, have a look here. I've read...
  19. K

    Heatsinks in Europe

    Hey erl, have a look at the heatsinks above (they are links), they all have fins that are ribbled (this is to get a bigger surface, to have more heat dissipation)