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  1. V

    Leaf edges curling up

    That's exactly what I'm going to do mate just 2 times a's the same with light many different people say you should have a 600w hps about 18-24inch above the canopy.. but fail to say that's when they're in flower..certainly not the age my plants are.. found out the light...
  2. V

    Leaf edges curling up

    Also I'm using coco with 20% perlite, I got told to water everyday..but i had a feeling i was watering too i let it dry out abit for 3 days(they are in 15ltr pots..theyre still abit moist) i watered them 1ltr per plant and going to continue to water 2-3 times per week
  3. V

    Leaf edges curling up

    I've got a digital ballast..if I have it at 3ft what setting should I have it on 250, 400 or 600?
  4. V

    Leaf edges curling up

    Does anyone know why most of the edges on all the leaves on my plants are curling up? I have 4 plants that are 4 weeks old.. 2 of them are doing far better than the other 2 but the leaves are curling up on all 4 plants
  5. V

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency??

    Cheers for the advice! Yeah I think it could be over watering! Well they are 20 days old now but on day 14 biobizz told me to use full strength bio grow an(which I did) they got worse from then onwards..they also told me to give them 2-3 litre of water each with them being in 15ltr pots! If they...
  6. V

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency??

    I've been using his methods to grow, it's him who owns perfect sun led company..he's amazing at growing!
  7. V

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency??

    Cheers for the advice mate, yeah that's 1 thing I always check is the ph.. I've got the ph pen + ph drops tester.. I always do it at 6.0-6.2 an I use both ph testers to check..just to be safe
  8. V

    Ph or deficiency

    Yeah I'm definatly going to mate..proves it's best to do it like that cause there's a massive difference compared to mine. This is my first I've gotta expect to have the odd hick up..
  9. V

    Ph or deficiency

    They look mint..I wish mine was like them! Biobizz don't know what they're on about..told me to give my plants 3 litre of water with 6ml of grow in..this was when they was only 14 days old..they said I can start from day 14.. since that had nothing but problems
  10. V

    Ph or deficiency

    Does anyone know what this is?? First 2 serrated leaves started yellowing about a week ago..then started with nutes 2 day ago..biobizz actually told me to give full strength nutes from day 14..waited another 5 days an started with full nutes(biobizz said if I didn't it would lead to...
  11. V

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency??

    You can see more clearly on this pic about the yellowing leaves an purples stems..just flushed them with ph'd water..going to leave them to dry out abit over the weekend then going to water them daily..but no nutes till they're 1 month old..hopefully this sorts them out!
  12. V

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency??

    If I flush them with water tomorrow then let them dry out.. an just give them water for a week or 2 would that recover them possibly?
  13. V

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency??

    They're in 15 litre pots, I'm using canna coco(not the pro mix) ohh bloody hell..I'm using biobizz nutes an they told me to start using the full amount from day 14 onwards.. the new growth is getting the odd mark that looks greyish.. and a few new leaves are fading to a light yellow.. I've...
  14. V

    Is this a nitrogen deficiency??

    My plants are 19 days old from sprouted seed.. for a good 8+ days the first 2 serrated leaves have faded to a really light yellow..the stems have turned purple..and there's the odd brown/grey little patches on the leafs..and they're really small for 19 days the growth has really...
  15. V

    First 2 serrated leaves yelllowing on the top half of the leafs

    Cheers mate I think your's definatly not the heat so it's gotta be intensity.. I put them under 250w at 15inch when they was about 8 days old an that's when the first 2 true leaves started yellowing. Just altered it to 3ft so I'm gonna leave it like that till they get abit...
  16. V

    First 2 serrated leaves yelllowing on the top half of the leafs

    cheers for the advice mate..I've raised the light up to 140cm which is right at top of my tent.. I only lowered it too 18inch because I've been told by that many people if it's too hot when you do the hand test then it's too hot for the I put my hand just above the canopy for 2mins an...
  17. V

    First 2 serrated leaves yelllowing on the top half of the leafs

    The first 2 serrated leaves on each of my four plants are turning yellow..but new growth looks ok..What could this Be? It happened when I put them under my 250w dual spec when they was 8 days old..First thought it was heat related so I moved my light higher..but the leaves havnt got any...
  18. V

    Very slow growth after transplanting

    I've actually tried it at 18 inch above canopy an put my hand above the canopy for about 2 mins an it was perfectly fine but I wasn't sure of the light would be too intense with my plants only being 16 days old
  19. V

    Very slow growth after transplanting

    Cheers for the info! They are under a 400w dual spectrum and it's distance is 2ft above the plants..would this be too close or too far away?bearing in mind they're 16 days old from sprouting today
  20. V

    Very slow growth after transplanting

    Is it normal for plants to have slower growth straight after transplanting? I've transferred 4 15days old plants to their final 15ltr pot yesterday morning..after checking on them this morning there's no growth what so ever..but saying that they don't look any worse after transplanting.