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  1. see4

    First grow - 4x4 tent with 4x 304 LED boards

    My vote would be to leave the twins. See what happens. I the smaller starts to weaken the other, then I would pull it.
  2. see4

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    Something a brainless nitwit with absolutely no originality would say:
  3. see4

    First grow - 4x4 tent with 4x 304 LED boards

    Nice! Can't wait to see how these turn out. Nice 4x4 setup. What watts you getting to the wall? I have 4 "Fake" 304 boards running off 2 240-1050a drivers, and i can max out at 600 total watts at the wall. WAY too much light for my plants. I ended up dialing it down to 180 watts per driver and...
  4. see4

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    What an absolute failure of a thread. Zero stars, will not recommend to friends or family. I will literally let my daughter shit on this thread. And right now her poops are brownish yellow and soupy. This thread is literally a soupy yellowish shit pile.
  5. see4

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy blasts off with Tesla Car in tow

    he literally said it, dumb-dumb.
  6. see4

    Now that everyone

    Will I still be allowed to say "penis"? Or will "purple bulbous" have to suffice? Either way though neo, I'd vote for ya.
  7. see4

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy blasts off with Tesla Car in tow

    apparently you were the only one that got the humor in my comment.
  8. see4


    can't tell if you are being sarcastic or mentally retarded. i gotta go with sarcastic. because that's what Ninja was being...(ellipsis)...sarcastic.
  9. see4

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy blasts off with Tesla Car in tow

    :clap: I want to go on record that I clapped for that comment. If I dont, I would be committing treason.
  10. see4

    Wholesale cannabis prices hit historic lows in January

    i certainly don't agree with regulating a plant. but getting it off schedule 1, first step will likely be regulation. nobody really knows whats going to happen in the near future for regulation of marijuana or the completely unilateral legalization thereof, making as ubiquitous as tomatoes...
  11. see4

    What did you accomplish today?

    6'4" i feel like is the max height to still be considered hot. any taller, and it just gets weird.
  12. see4

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy blasts off with Tesla Car in tow

    i thought it was heading to the sun. at least thats what i thought the "news" reporter stated.
  13. see4

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy blasts off with Tesla Car in tow

    oops, i didn't watch the youtube video. i saw it as it happened, nearly shit my panties.
  14. see4

    SpaceX Falcon Heavy blasts off with Tesla Car in tow

    Did you see the fucking booster rockets return to earth and land on their fucking own? Like it was CGI sci-fi movie stuff. Fucking bonkers.
  15. see4

    What did you accomplish today?

    I want to say, "penis", but I'm afraid my daughter might hear me. So I won't say, "penis", right now. But maybe later, when she's not in the room.
  16. see4

    Wholesale cannabis prices hit historic lows in January

    well, it's all speculation until it actually happens. people can grow their own tobacco. they choose not to because the alternative is far cheaper. the analogy was not about the growing of, but rather the access to. i highly doubt marihuana will be as ubiquitous as tomatoes. there is...
  17. see4

    What did you accomplish today?

    oh gosh that would be so great! and yea, she smells wonderful! im constantly smelling her head and kissing her hands and feet. daddy! stop it! i'm trying to sleep!
  18. see4

    What did you accomplish today?

    lol! Thanks sunni. Yea, she's my little bean. hope all is well on your end.
  19. see4

    What did you accomplish today?

    lol. I thought the same thing too! I questioned my girl.. uh, babe, you got some asian in you? she laughed. she is my little bean. at 2 days old she can lift her head and climb up my chest... she is nuts! i know she can't really see much yet, but when i make goofy noises she sort of shakes her...
  20. see4

    Wholesale cannabis prices hit historic lows in January

    Naw, don't think it will ever be treated that way. But I get what you are saying. At the very least it will be like cigarettes. Can't buy them until you are 18. But likely treated like alcohol, can't buy until 21.