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  1. Sal Baretta

    2k querkle scrog

    Thank you brother good luck to you too... Looks like your going to have your hands full 15 gallon pots omg.. I wish I'm in Italy And grow in a little one bedroom apartment.. But I don't live there. I'm from New Jersey moved back to my country after 43 yrs in the USA miss it crazy. Anyway nice...
  2. Sal Baretta

    2k querkle scrog

    Nice work brother... Here's my set up 2 4x4 tents with a Scrog set up one has critical 2.0 and other has sensi super skunk 2/28/16 flipped to flower. They both have 9 plants in them in 12 liter pots. First time for a Scrog for me. Hope I'm doing it right lol
  3. Sal Baretta

    clone leaves curling up?

    I've cloned plenty of times before with 95% success rate in the USA lol now I live in Italy I have clones in riot plugs with a heating pad at 78* but they seem to be curling up .. Down every which way lol im wonder maybe is it to much light I have them in a vegg tent with a 250 MH but the dome...
  4. Sal Baretta

    Thanks Tyke

    Thanks Tyke
  5. Sal Baretta

    making plants taller

    Maybe you need to add some mutes 1/4 strength
  6. Sal Baretta

    Sensi Seeds Super Skunk Grow

    I'm starting to grow again I'm going with sensi super skunk in one tent and di after critical 2.0 in another tent.. Something new for me cause I always grew barneys farm beans.. Critical lush, lsd, tangerine dream, vanilla kush... But that super skunk is looking good can't wait
  7. Sal Baretta

    1000W, 9 Violator Kush, 4x4 Grow Tent, 2 POUNDS!!!

    Jack, I would do 16 in a 3 gallon pots soil first time to get the hand of it . Look up lst, topping, super cropping you should get close to 2 lb with a 1000 wAtt that's 2 oz from each plant can be done Easley.. Good luck be safe I had 6- 4x4 tent harvested one every two weeks all year round...
  8. Sal Baretta

    1000W, 9 Violator Kush, 4x4 Grow Tent, 2 POUNDS!!!

    Guys give the guy a break he's here to ask for our help not to be critiqued you all weren't born with the talent we are all thought by somebody.. Ease up brothers.. He's on our side remember that.
  9. Sal Baretta

    1000 w MH vertical in 7x7x9 tent

    I lived in New Jersey now moved back to my homeland Italy in April miss the states ...
  10. Sal Baretta

    1000 w MH vertical in 7x7x9 tent

    True brother you in the states?
  11. Sal Baretta

    I mean pack the tent or just stick to like 20 plants

    I mean pack the tent or just stick to like 20 plants
  12. Sal Baretta

    What's up Tyke, what do u think I'd better sog or reg grow topping and super cropping in a 4x8...

    What's up Tyke, what do u think I'd better sog or reg grow topping and super cropping in a 4x8 ft tent with 4 -600 watt hid ?
  13. Sal Baretta

    Help for 50 Sq meter Grow room setup

    im doing a 4x8 foot tent with 4-600 watt hid straight across also doing SOG style fit as many plants as i can in there keep em short top once at 2nd week also have a 4x4 cloning tent for clones and mother plants so when 32 plants come out 32 go in same day i can harvest 32 plant every 2...
  14. Sal Baretta

    1000 w MH vertical in 7x7x9 tent

    i use 10x10 tents great all around... light, temps,ordor,
  15. Sal Baretta

    1000 w MH vertical in 7x7x9 tent

    i would use flat white paint instead of mirrors deff. aim a flash light at a mirror and hen at a white board see witch one reflects better...
  16. Sal Baretta

    Help: Perpetual Grow Setup

    foil doesnt reflect light like you would think spray paint matt white and it will be alot brighter....also you using cfl's in there dont forget a 2x4 tent you can run 6 plants topped twice with 600 watt hid soalls you need is one mother plant and 12 clones and everytime you...
  17. Sal Baretta

    Main lining the stalk

    Mainlinging is training a t shaped stem pointing upward or growing upward nothing to do with needles it's your basic manifold .. Then you can top and super crop and vegg longer