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  1. N

    Seedling help

    Does anyone know why my seedling is drooping like this? I thought I must be over watering but it's not had a drop for a week now and still no improvement. It popped through the soil 14 days ago and it's under a 130w CFL. Thanks
  2. N

    Nearly at the finish line...

    Thanks everyone I'll take it on board
  3. N

    Nearly at the finish line...

    What temp should I aim for during the 24 hour of darkness?
  4. N

    Nearly at the finish line...

    No Gelato 41
  5. N

    Nearly at the finish line...

    Just want to thank everyone on here answering my questions as a new grower, Iv just started flushing my plants this week, Iv attached a photo of one of them. Is there any last min tips to improve anything this last week or two? Iv slightly lowered my temps and lowered the humidity
  6. N

    Can someone diagnose this please

    I'm four weeks into flower and all my plants are fine I just have one plant with a small area of what looks like nutrient burn but I'm not sure as it's just on this one area and not on any other plant. Thanks
  7. N

    Has my plant hermied?

    I thought that looking on Google but couldn't find anything that matched. I'll Google them now... Constantly learning Thankyou for the help
  8. N

    Has my plant hermied?

    It's just that, maybe im paranoid as I was watching a video about growing on YouTube and they touched on hermies and sacks and I'd not spotted them before that Iv circled
  9. N

    Has my plant hermied?

    I'v just spotted this on one of my plants and cant figure out what it is. Thanks
  10. N

    LST in flower.

  11. N

    LST in flower.

    Hi, Iv LST my plants 5 Gelato 41s in 20l pots. I flipped to flower two weeks ago, can i still train them in flower? I had an even canopy up until I flipped to flower and now some are growing higher than others but I'm worried about damaging them messing around. I'm only on my 2nd propper grow...
  12. N

    Making soft water hard.

    Iv got some cal mag, any ideas how much I should be using?
  13. N

    Making soft water hard.

    I live in a soft water area, iv ordered 10l of a and b online. They have sent me the a and b for hard water. I specifically asked for soft water nutrients but nevermind. I don't want to mess around sending 20litre back with the associated costs so is there any way I can harden my water? Thanks
  14. N

    Where to check humidity?

    Hi, iv just switched my plants to flower, iv put a humidifier in my tent and set it to 50% RH, iv got a hygrometer on the floor of my tent and one just above my lights hanging down, the one on the floor is around 50% RH but the one hanging down is 10% RH These readings are while my lights are...
  15. N

    Cold temps help...

    Thanks... Second tents all good until summer when I struggle with heat issues
  16. N

    Cold temps help...

    Thanks, iv just gone into flower and only started encountering this problem with the lights being off that extra few hours
  17. N

    Cold temps help...

    Anyone got any tips on what I can do to get my temps up? Iv got a tent in my garage, I can just about get my temps right when lights are on 23/26c. The issue I'm having is when my lights are off they are dropping to 14c, iv got my lights on through the night when temps are colder, iv got an...