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  1. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    I'm torn with what to do with the small one...The image you see there is after almost 8 weeks of growing. The one on the right is now GIANT. Like some sort of mutation. It's HUGE! That's the one I am going to transfer into the DWC...possibly today...
  2. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    I will be transferring the growing one to my DWC (As soon as I get brave enough). It is already triple the size of any plant I have ever idea why.
  3. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    I'm in Canada, but your reasoning is still sound. I may do that, if these ones don't work out. Thanks for the advice!
  4. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Got some seeds from a friend. They are just regular, run of the mill. Not auto and not feminized. I tried to order feminized seeds here, but they have been out since it was legalized. Thought I'd give this a try before spending $60 for 4 seeds, online.
  5. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Interesting. These seeds are just regular, non-sexed seeds. I wonder if, whatever mutation allows seeds to become autos, affected this one. Oh well...Second one is growing well...Just have to get up the nerve to move it to the DWC and give that another try.
  6. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone seen a plant do what this one is doing? ie. not growing but also not dying.
  7. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    So...after 6 weeks, this thing is still alive. Granted, it has barely grown at all. I'm thinking it's a dud...Anyway, I planted a new one a few days ago and look at her go! (Old one is on the left and new one is on the right.)
  8. A_String

    Noob Attempting Hydro. Need advice!

    I'm in Canada, but I will look it up in case it can be bought or shipped up here. Haven't seen a Hempy bucket before, but it looks interesting.
  9. A_String

    Noob Attempting Hydro. Need advice!

    Yeah, I'm concerned that the bucket may be too small. I'm torn. As the plant that I was trying to grow, in this post, died and I'm currently loosing a seedling, I'm really considering going back to soil. But, I REALLY want to learn hydro, just for the science-y-ness of it all. lol.
  10. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    That's how she looks now. Still no growth and yellowing pretty bad with all but the top set of leaves. What is a cloning unit?
  11. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    After losing the last plant to root rot, during the flowering stage, I washed the pellets with peroxide, 3 times and gave them a good soak/rinse. Then, I soaked them in water for almost a week.
  12. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    KK. Thanks for the advice, @rkymtnman
  13. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Sadly, there has been no growth and the wilting/yellowing is getting worse. So now, I figure it's either left over stuff causing root rot from the old clay pellets or it's a bad plant that just isn't going to go. I cleaned and soaked the pellets for almost a week (mainly because the seedling...
  14. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Plant was still not recovering so I dug her up and planted her in some soil so she can work on her roots. When I got her out, she has the tap root (only about 1.5 inches long) and some basic, VERY short, branches to it. No hairs to be seen. Roots looked terrible. So...Hopefully the move back...
  15. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Yeah...I'm thinking I may have transplanted too soon. Hopefully she'll pull through. Rookie mistake.
  16. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Okay. I will do that for sure. Now...I remember, from the first time I did this, I was told to have the water line, up to the bottom of the roots and only let it drop down once the roots cleared the bottom of the net pot. Should I be doing that as well?
  17. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Any idea what may have gone wrong? I have a few seeds left and, if this one is toast, I'd like to learn from my mistakes and not repeat them.
  18. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    I'd hazard a guess that it's around a 6" pot and probably very similar in depth. If you need me to be more accurate, I can go measure it. ***EDIT*** It is, indeed, a 6" pot and is about 5 3/4 to 6" deep.
  19. A_String

    Seedling not Growing

    Water line is at the bottom of the net pot (WELL below the plant). The clay pellets dry out so I need to water it. There is still structure to the leaves (They spring back to the drooped position when I lift them and there is little "give". But the droop is getting worse and still no growth...