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  1. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Yellowing on one plant

    I'll go and grab some today. Really appreciate the help
  2. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Yellowing on one plant

    Plastic pots, soil isn't drying out any faster then the others. Ruffly watering every 3 days once pots are dry
  3. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Yellowing on one plant

    Hi all currently have a run of 3 fastbuds auto cheese, they are about 2 weeks into flower. I'm growing in soil using living soil dry ammendments, I use tap water that has been left out for 24hours then use bio bizz pH down to get to the pH 6.4. all 3 plants have the same amount of feed but one...
  4. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Pre flower stigma browning

    Hi all currently have 3 auto cheese around day 28 now and I noticed on one of the plants 2 of the stigma are browning. Does this mean she has been pollenated? There in 15l pots, under 200w led at 75%, temps between 24°c and 27°c and rh around 55% on a 20/4 cycle. Any one know why this is happening?
  5. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    Also cou Could adding a cover crop at this stage help with soil microbials and help if over watered(I e the cover crop would draw any excess moisture from the soil?)
  6. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    Would I still get a salt build up when using organic dry amendments'
  7. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    Yeah they are growing fine, just strange as usually my plants are praying, I'll let pots dry fully before next watering
  8. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    Not as bad as this, more since preflower
  9. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    I've kept light at 30" and dimmed to 75%. Let's see if that helps
  10. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    I'll give it a shot, many thanks
  11. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    How high would you recommend, I'm currently at 30" above canopy, 200w wall draw led
  12. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    Usually I run the 12l pots with autos and don't get a droop, maybe the fastbuds genetics need more root space. Don't really want to repot them at this stage and cause stress
  13. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Issues with autos

    Hi all, currently noticing some drooping on my 23 day old cheese autos from fastbuds. There are on a 20/4cycle 60%rh temps 25.4°c. I'm very cautious with watering as on previous grows I have overwatered. They are in 12l pots with living soil. I can see some signs of high nitrogen levels and was...
  14. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Temp issues?

    Also just to add my tent has alot of negative pressure, once zipped up all sides pull in,, so I know the extractor is working fine. As this temp is at pot level could I put my carbon filter lower down in the tent rather then the very top?
  15. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Temp issues?

    Hi all, currently fine but when I get into flower I think I'm going to encounter problems. Currently have 3 autos in tent and a philzon led (measured 198w draw from wall at full power) I'm currently running it at 30% as they are seedlings. I have a 4" rvk extractor and a 4" inline for air...
  16. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Nana's found on auto

    Not collecting them, I'm picking them off when I see them,
  17. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Nana's found on auto

    Hi all, I have 3 auto kush and 1 of them started developing the odd sac here and there, plant looks very healthy, no light leaks as they are on 20/4 schedule and lights go off at 11pm and on at on at 3 am in a tent in a dark room .. only one of them is doing this, could it just be genetics? They...
  18. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Strangely small autos

    Kind of glad he doing it now, would have been more devastating during late flower lol
  19. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Strangely small autos

    I had to pull the autos as I had no where to put them, I had 3 photos in another tent that are going to be stored in my car but they are big. Better for me to be safe then sorry