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  1. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    You said that socialism now spans the political spectrum which is evident by conservatives that support welfare programs. Now you switch to saying that socialism is not of the right wing ideology, which I will also agree with. See how much we have in common?
  2. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    Uh, no. Communism is pretty much universally seen as to the left of socialism. However, I interpreted your original comment as saying that communism is on the right side of the political spectrum. Thanks for clarifying.
  3. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    I actually agree that socialism now spans both left and right political spectrum. The philosophy of fascism fundamentally elevated the state over the individual. I've read Gentile and Mussolini so we can simply agree to disagree as neither of our opinions will change. So lets both have a...
  4. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    You said communism is of the right. Was that a mistake? Not sure what we are discussing now. I have seen many different political spectrum charts and don't ever recall seeing communism on the right. But I guess it would not surprise me at this point.
  5. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    Nice to see you as well. Nothing to cite, I can find a wide range of political spectrum charts that show many different interpretations. I gave you my opinion based on my studies and I have no problem if you disagree, as is your right. But I will note that the chart you just presented shows...
  6. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    I have never seen communism placed anywhere but to the left of socialism. Fascism gets placed most commonly on the right now but is historically and more accurately placed on the left given the rights support for individualism, imo. If you read the philosophy of Giovani Gentile and the...
  7. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    If that was your acceptance then ok, we are done. It is a wager. Cheers!
  8. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    Which one of us bet his account on Hillary and reneged on the wager? Cmon, it will be fun, it’s not like you could bring yourself to honor the wager anyway. Take the bet!
  9. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    So you accept the wager? Loser, as determined by electoral college, leaves RIU, never to return? I for one would be too humiliated to return in any form. Cmon, be a hero to your peeps.
  10. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    No, I would be gone for good. Please don’t put your tactic on me. I’m sure your buddies have my IP address. Is it a bet?
  11. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    Not true, you clearly bet your account last election on Hillary. Silly boy. Let’s bet accounts.
  12. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    What a dodge. Why not bet?
  13. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    Sounds like you should bet your account to me.
  14. Bugeye

    Hydroxychloroquine, yes I would take it, or fuck Trump?

    You got me, I didn’t keep a transcript of all the shit talk.
  15. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    She used the word when. This would be a call to think about how you would feel if you lost everything to rioters, perhaps an allusion to the uninsured small businesses burned out would have been better, I don’t know, I understood the sentiment and agreed with it.
  16. Bugeye

    Hydroxychloroquine, yes I would take it, or fuck Trump?

    You mentioned “lying rats” and “penny pinchers”. They referred to the latter good naturedly as cheap Jew. As in, take the bet ya cheap Jew. Not my words, theirs. No hurt feelings over locker room razz I can assure you.
  17. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    That isn’t what she said. But if you want a link to a home burned by “protestors”, here you go:
  18. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    Holy non-sequitor!
  19. Bugeye

    Biden & Harris :)

    Too bad a Clinton can’t run again, he‘s probably less horny now and judging by his speech tonight he is not senile.
  20. Bugeye

    Should Kamala pay reparations to Jamaica?

    You sound like most American’s to me. Sadly you get labeled a racist for expressing your non-racist opinion. Thank God we all have the right to express ourselves in this imperfect country.