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  1. getogrow

    Severe mite infestation

    How strong of iso can i safely use in flower ? (early flower) Thanks
  2. getogrow

    Light burn or?

    If you are positive that its not low on food then it has to be the lights. Thats the only other factor. Too bright for a few weeks could of caused that but it would take a couple weeks to look like that from lkight burn. probably 4 weeks.
  3. getogrow

    Big problem spreading quick

    i agree,.,,,she is hungry. Its from the extra light but its not a big deal if you feed her enough.
  4. getogrow

    Auto watering help needed.

    thanks man....that makes sense. i'll look into one of the companies...
  5. getogrow

    Opinions on dehumidifer

    Confused the hell out of me.....then i thought to myself....ive done way worse so maybe it works fine ?
  6. getogrow

    Opinions on dehumidifer

    Only on wet days is it going to pull 5 gallons a day from a 5x5. Specially with an hps. It will stay dry in the daytime then at night the rh will skyrocket but its nothing a 4gal a day wont handle.
  7. getogrow

    Big problem spreading quick

    yes, just look at that pic and its obvious.... Now that you are actually paying attention to the bottoms of that plant you can see there is nothing wrong. A lil too much nitrogen but that will work itself out if you stop giving it to them. The tops look to be under INTENSE light. If your phone...
  8. getogrow

    Big problem spreading quick

    Im already seeing too much light but thats me being biased.... We need better pics. Im seeing the calcium that you are seeing , im also seeing the overload of N in the back pics.... IF that leaf came off those plants in the background then im going to guess too much light. Either way we need...
  9. getogrow

    Auto watering help needed.

    There is no way you will ask stupider questions then me! :mrgreen: I dont know of any local irrigation joints. If i could talk to some company im sure i would be fine and im POSITIVE the salesmen will have me in his pocket! My partner asked this last night: "How will a pc dripper ensure the...
  10. getogrow

    Light burn or?

    and the fifth and final reason i believe this is because most of the damage was closer to the lights. (where they tend to show what they need first) Double or trip[le your food and your girls will love it.
  11. getogrow

    Light burn or?

    Ok , i just re read your original post. When you "thought" they were burnt, you lowered the food. They were never "burnt" , they were deficient. They needed more when you lowered it so the damage would continue until you upped the food especially when you added co2. My solid guess is that you...
  12. getogrow

    Light burn or?

    im also 99.9% sure its not from sewer gas. you would get sick well before they would even notice.
  13. getogrow

    Light burn or?

    i HIGHLY doubt its the off gas of paint. Its a very good thing to think about though. Means your really thinking here. When you added co2 an sealed everything up , did you up your food by a LOT ? More co2 means more food is neeeded to accomplish the same results. Honestly there is no such...
  14. getogrow

    Lower Leaf Drop Day 9 of Flower In Hydro

    I swear by it.... i seen WAY too many good growers turn clueless when switching to led. My buddy gave me solid advice for the switch. Put them on the ceiling and turn them down..... Start like that and you cant go wrong.
  15. getogrow

    looking for Meijiu A8 650W reviews

    If you are looking for cheap , quality reefer then use an hps. Not much to explain there. With leds , there are SO MANY variables that its hard to choose. Leds are more efficient but they are not a "miricle" . They grow the same bud with less power. I have the same lights....1320 to my door...
  16. getogrow

    Other Plants

    I think your onto something there sir..... The wrinkley older leaves seem to root much faster. Im guessing it has something to do with the life cycle or however you would word it.... The older leaves die off outdoors and start new plants , so maybe those leaves are the better choice to pick for...
  17. getogrow

    Light burn or?

    Its all in your medium. I have no clue what the problem is but its not light or environment. Its in the feeding.
  18. getogrow

    Lower Leaf Drop Day 9 of Flower In Hydro

    hell of a job by yourself sir! good job
  19. getogrow

    Other Plants

  20. getogrow

    Other Plants

    Love your buddah fish tank ....beautiful man! I cut the stem off my orchid to try and get it to root......its not rooting. When will my plant shoot out another stalk ? Mine is very healthy, growing great, but no signs of another flower or stem ?