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  1. LeastExpectedGrower

    Calibrating and adjusting hygrometers - steps and questions

    Just do 'em the same way in a 1 or 2 gallon ziploc bag and use a bit of tape to seal off the bit right by the sensor cables.
  2. LeastExpectedGrower

    Trying out an "Active Air" in-line two stage carbon filter.

    Yeah, mine is still going strong, but I've only done 3 grows with it...definitely would get another once I notice this one degrading.
  3. LeastExpectedGrower

    Help needed…..quickly

    Tape it up and lay off the nitrogen in your feed.
  4. LeastExpectedGrower

    Light reading apps

    Different apps work better or worse with different phones, and not in a predictable way. I found benchmarking Photone with my iPhone Xs Max it was within less than 10% variance from my Phantom Photobio, but others depending on what phone/hardware have not been that lucky or close. That all...
  5. LeastExpectedGrower

    Light reading apps

    Less about the app and more about the phone's hardware.
  6. LeastExpectedGrower

    harvest or wait?

    When drying it's worth checking daily. I know lots around here that say 60%/60F for 10-14 days but 60/60 in my tent is 6-7 days, so I'm always checking.
  7. LeastExpectedGrower

    harvest or wait?

    It's looking pretty good. I'd still give it a week or two...looks like it's JUST gotten to all brown pistils but looks like it could 'fill out' a bit more in terms of bulk.
  8. LeastExpectedGrower

    Any ideas?

    Just blow into one of the tent openings. Problem solved.
  9. LeastExpectedGrower

    Epsom salt?

    True. :) I use it as a 'baseline' for my water/plants. I filter the water down to 0EC, then I add back about .28EC worth of Ca/Mg (140ppm). Enough to make sure that along with my Maxibloom the plants are seeing what they want but not enough to block other inputs. From there, I personally find...
  10. LeastExpectedGrower

    Months of work for nothing . All of it garbage

    TBH, you'd have to really screw up your dry to have it trimmed and bagged in 2 days. Also, sounds like someone hasn't done any reading up on how to mature, harvest, dry or cure. THAT is a recipe for a really shitty result.
  11. LeastExpectedGrower

    Trimming a Landrace Sativa?

    Agree I'm upstate NY and National Grid and run a 3x5. My grow including 675w of lights, 5 fans & heater adds less than 100$ a month to my bill. I top off ~270$ per month with a 2400 square foot house.
  12. LeastExpectedGrower

    Trimming a Landrace Sativa?

    Only if your 'quality' is measured in compact tight flowering patterns. Most people who decide to grow landrace (or close) varieties know what they're getting into when they do it. And lots of people chose to do it multiple times, so obviously some people are measuring the desirability...
  13. LeastExpectedGrower

    Estimated time frame?

    Pray that it doesn't hatch.
  14. LeastExpectedGrower

    Grow light question

    That'll do the job. :)
  15. LeastExpectedGrower

    Grow light question

    Post up which model it is. Any light that's advertising veg and flower settings is giving me bad feels anyway, but most likely whatever it is, it will say what the light draws or consumes for wattage, that's the actual real wattage of the light. There aren't a whole lot of real 1000w or 2000w...
  16. LeastExpectedGrower

    Grow light question

    I'm guessing that the light is not anywhere near 2000w...most likely ~200w knowing how they name these. I'd leave both flower/veg lights on and run it full out no matter what. It's not color that triggers flower anyway.
  17. LeastExpectedGrower

    Ok I asked the experts and got two conflicting answers when mixing chlorine

    Why are you considering 'ChatGPT' an 'expert'? It's literally famous for making up answers. I personally would skip online calculators, etc. and literally do it. yourself with a meter. Grab a liter of water (or maybe 5) and start adding measured amounts and testing with a meter.
  18. LeastExpectedGrower

    Need advice, tips on smell&taste

    If your flower crumbles at day 5, and is completely're drying in the wrong conditions. I'd suggest doing a deep dive on proper drying and how to cure. You want to dry slowly, then after you're in the ballpark of your target moisture level, then you cure. What's the humidity and...
  19. LeastExpectedGrower

    Temp questions

    You'll be fine at ~85 with a LED lighting setup. Usually the offset for LST is -2f degrees...which really is a good sweet spot for lights on. If you can keep the temps within 10 degrees of that with lights out you're good.
  20. LeastExpectedGrower

    Need advice, tips on smell&taste

    Have you read up on how to dry and cure properly.