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  1. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    It's cool we are all here to help each other out..
  2. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    I've tried something like that with the apple cider kills alot of them but they multiply way faster
  3. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    Oh wow really...thanks
  4. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    I'm getting the sticky traps and will look into the azamax...I even replaced the top inch of soil, which worked for about a week but still came back strong
  5. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    I'll have to look into h202 solution...thanks
  6. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    Definitely been using the squash technique... will have to try that diatomaceous earth though
  7. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    I forgot to mention I was growing indoors...ordered me some of those sticky yellow traps u was talking about plus I put small bowls of apple cider vinegar out...would like to find what's the best organic spray to kill them??
  8. J Dogg

    Advice on gnats problem.

    I need to eradicate the gnat infestation I have going on. Have tried several different solutions to extinguish the problem. Have knocked there numbers down sevaral times but they keep coming back strong!! Wanting to know what has worked for others to eliminate there bug problems??
  9. J Dogg

    Advise on Gnat problem.

    I need to eradicate the gnat infestation I have going on. Have tried several different solutions to extinguish the problem. Have knocked there numbers down sevaral times but they keep coming back strong!! Wanting to know what has worked for others to eliminate there bug problems??
  10. J Dogg


    Need some advice on what u think these plants are...have 3 questionable plants...the first 2 pics are different plants...the last 2 pics are of the same plant...last one I'm thinking is a herm