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  1. B

    Question about lighting

    I have a 5x5 tent and I could use a little more lighting in it. I have a Viparspectra light in there now and it is kind of blueish because I have the veg and flower switch on at both times and that has did real well for me on other grows. But now I want to ad another small light in there but it...
  2. B

    Close to harvest brown spots on leaves what is it?

    I will let the plant finish but will it be good after it finishes, smokable?
  3. B

    Close to harvest brown spots on leaves what is it?

    Should I cut off all the bad leaves?
  4. B

    Close to harvest brown spots on leaves what is it?

    I have a bubble gum auto that is close to harvest and tomorrow will be it’s 8th week and I have seen these spots on the leaves but not on all of them but I’m seeing them at the top of the plant and about halfway down. Probably 30% of the plant has it. Could someone please tell me what this is...
  5. B

    Not sure if it is a nutrient problem or just natural

    How do you get such an even canopy? I’ve tried topping and low stress training and they look good but not as good as yours lol.. I would appreciate any helpful pointers.
  6. B

    Not sure if it is a nutrient problem or just natural

    What is a good one part nutrient to get? This is just my second grow.
  7. B

    Is my plant to young to top or fim?

    This is what she is looking like today so far..
  8. B

    Not sure if it is a nutrient problem or just natural

    I have a og kush auto plant that is about 7 weeks old and looks like it will be done within a couple of weeks but I have been seeing yellowing of leaves and tips on them. Just wasn’t sure if it is a nutrient problem or is it natural? Here are some pics..
  9. B

    Two plants with minor issues please help!!

    I have two plants that I’m having slight problems with and have never encountered this before but this is just my second grow also. The first plant is a jack herring auto flower around 4 weeks old and the top leaves have yellow tips and the second plant is bubble gum auto and some of the leave...
  10. B

    Is my plant to young to top or fim?

    I’m using FloraNova liquid. I topped her last night and she seems to be doing fine. I also trimmed up the bottom just a little bit. I want to do some lst but the stock is so thick now so I am going to try to do some lst when it shoots up a little bit. Hope I’m doing this all right lol
  11. B

    Is my plant to young to top or fim?

    I have a critical kush plant and she is 2 weeks and 5 days old today. I will attach some pics. I want to know if it is to early to top or fim her. I can’t really tell how many nodes there are now but it looks to be 4 or 5 but still Leary. I took a pic of the top and a couple of the side view. I...
  12. B

    Harvesting today and have a question

    I’m harvesting today and my plants are on 12/12 and the light does not come back on until 8:30pm tonight so I wanted to know if I pull them out to harvest around 6pm two hours before the light comes back on is this ok to do?
  13. B

    Has anyone ever heard of “quick one” strain being this tall?

    I am new to growing. I bet it is a light problem because I have 8 plants total, 5 quick ones and 3 low Ryder all auto flower. 1200w light. My next grow I will add another one to it. 5x5 tent. I took some up close pics with my flash on today can you tell me if they at least look healthy. And the...
  14. B

    Has anyone ever heard of “quick one” strain being this tall?

    I have 5 QUICK ONE STRAINS growing right now and three of them are over 3 feet tall and everywhere I have read about this strain states that it doesn’t get any taller than 23 inches tall and my tallest is 3 feet 5 inches. In your opinion will I have a good healthy yield? They all look very...
  15. B

    I think I am seeing white hair but very young plant

    Yep it’s quick one auto
  16. B

    I think I am seeing white hair but very young plant

    I am growing quick ones strain and they are exactly 2 weeks and 5 days old so almost 3 weeks. I noticed what looks to be white hairs already on this one plant. Does that mean it is in flowering stage already? Is it possible to have white hairs growing that quick? Here are some pics.
  17. B

    Is it ok to leave the tent open a little while lights are on?

    I don’t really have much ventilation in my bedroom. I keep my central air on 68 so thought by keeping it cooler in the house then it would keep humidity low. But I am so wrong lol I just don’t want mold to start groaning on them or anything
  18. B

    Is it ok to leave the tent open a little while lights are on?

    Sorry unclear of what that means I’m a noob lol what does during cycle mean? Her is a pic of what I’m working with now with temps and humidity