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  1. E.T

    Leaf problem and a big headache!

    Ah i see. Thanks alot gangjababy. just the shit i got in the fish water ph tester should be alright shouldnt it? wont harm the plant in any way? So tomorrow when they are in their light period i flush them with plain water at a PH of 5.5 right and water them the next day wil my normal nutes...
  2. E.T

    Paranoia: Buying a lot at hydro store

    Mate best bet is if you want to play it safe buy off the net then when you get your set up put some veggies in it like tomatos and take a pic, if cops come to your house do say anything or let them in! and if they say they saw you buying stuff from a hydro store say you have no comment but you...
  3. E.T

    Leaf problem and a big headache!

    Oh and while im at it, They are 9 days into their flower cycle. How will the bud turn out if the plant is looking pretty average?
  4. E.T

    Leaf problem and a big headache!

    Oh really, as i said i aint no pro. All i know is that the PH is at 7.0 before i add nutes
  5. E.T

    Leaf problem and a big headache!

    Cheers, Im pulliung my hair out look after these girls for it all to turn to shit! PH is tested before i add not after ill test after and let you know what it is at. Can i bring them back you reckon or are they smashed? Thanks alot for the prompt replies
  6. E.T

    Leaf problem and a big headache!

    Any idead on what could help thes babies? Or should they be alright
  7. E.T

    Seedling in trouble

    Not trying to be rude here but hes asking those questions as the plant could be streching for the light which will make it long skinny and weak you can also put a fan in the to blow on them lightly but be careful not to give them wind burn
  8. E.T

    Leaf problem and a big headache!

    Alright, I have 2 plants growing in 30L pots, Room temp is 25C at all times they are hand watered every 2 days with 1L of tap water ph of 7.0 with 3ML or each part A Canna COCO, part B Canna COCO, 3ML of Liquid pot ash P18 - A14. and 3ML of Canna Cannazym. They are growin in COCO and clay balls...
  9. E.T

    Purple and a little brown on the tips of a few leafs HELP!:(

    If anyone could quickly help me, i have posted a pic up of my plant a few weeks ago and you all said it was looking good. Now i have put the 600W HPS on it and its starting to go purple its very purple on the top 2 branches down the leaf vains and on a few below. Its also drooping a fair bit and...
  10. E.T

    Turning purple and starting to droop

    If anyone could quickly help me, i have posted a pic up of my plant a few weeks ago and you all said it was looking good. Now i have put the 600W HPS on it and its starting to go purple its very purple on the top 2 branches down the leaf vains and on a few below. Its also drooping a fair bit and...
  11. E.T

    Help germinating questions

    can you just put the seeds in rockwool blocks and wait for them to germinate?
  12. E.T

    what size do u think?

    Im in 30L pots
  13. E.T

    First grow and I think i made a boo boo... please help

    We all learn the hard way!
  14. E.T

    possible to hide i.p. address?

    We should all be pretty safe in here yeah? Where im growing i dont have net so they cant really tace me. :P
  15. E.T

    Back to growing update.

    Hehe looking great! Kepp it up man.
  16. E.T

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Wicked info! Really helpful, learning alot form this site! thanks ppl!
  17. E.T

    Strech reduction

    Where can you get "Bushmaster" from?
  18. E.T

    Strech reduction

    Sure do, cheers for the help mate!
  19. E.T

    video - how to make hash

    there is a thread on how to make has with a pringles can which looks pretty good
  20. E.T

    More pics of the girls and the room set up

    Looking sexual! i like it.