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  1. Homegrowncronic

    Best Light To Use?? Please Help

    Use 3 42 watt CFL's for each plant (about $8 each)
  2. Homegrowncronic

    Bagseed grow

    Very nice! I would get ahold of some Purple Maxx Snow Storm...that stuff does wonders
  3. Homegrowncronic

    Will this light work?

    Depending on how many plants you have I would probably add some 42 watt cfl's, those seem to work the best
  4. Homegrowncronic

    How often should i water rockwool

    I would feed them 4 times a day for 15 min.
  5. Homegrowncronic

    First time growing need help smokaz help me out

    I would add another cfl or two (I like using 42 watt). Go by the actual wattage of the bulb, not the equivalent.
  6. Homegrowncronic

    Getting aerogarden!!! Any tips please!!!

    If you scrap the AG nutes, buy an aerator ($15), and add a few cfl's around the outside of the AG it actually works very well.
  7. Homegrowncronic

    OOHHH that smell!!

    When the plant is in its vegtative stage it will admit a mild plant smell, but as your plant begins its flowering cycle and starts to produce buds it will start to give off a stronger skunky smell. If you are worried about getting caught build yourself a small carbon filter (about $10) and put...
  8. Homegrowncronic

    One more newb question: Where to measure temp from?

    Take the temperature at the top of the plant
  9. Homegrowncronic

    How long till chop?

    Looking good. I would give it another week so the pistils can get a little more color to them. Hope all goes well!
  10. Homegrowncronic

    Flushing Question

    The only time I flush with organics is when they are a week or two from harvest.
  11. Homegrowncronic

    How Long 'Til Harvest?

    To ensure that your plants are at 100% potential go and buy a 16x magnifying glass from a drug store. Closely examine the buds on your plant, when the trichs are mostly all milky and the pistils have turned an amber color you are ready to harvest.
  12. Homegrowncronic

    Picking Nuts!

    I would add Earth Juice Grow and Catalyst. Mix them half strength when your plants get their third set of leaves, then increase the strength if you do not see any nute burn
  13. Homegrowncronic

    Is This Too Much N For Flower?

    No your plants actually need a little bit of N during flowering, but you need to increase your Potassium content and all will be swell.
  14. Homegrowncronic

    Sugar Instead Of Molasses

    Yes, but only give it about a tbsp. per gallon.
  15. Homegrowncronic

    Molasses Nute Question

    If your plant has new growth I would give it a few more weeks to catch on, it most likely went into shock when you transplanted it to the new soil. When plants are in shock it is harder for them to absorb nutrients. You could possibly have a nutrient deficiency. I would give it something with a...
  16. Homegrowncronic

    Vegging Organics?

    If you want a true organic grow it might be best for you not to use the Fox Farm nutrients. Fox Farm Tiger Bloom is not OMRI certified for organic use. FF Tiger Bloom is "organic based", which means that it is mostly made from organic materials, however it still contains some chemical...
  17. Homegrowncronic

    holy crap 13 people viewing

    Yes, I am using all OMRI certified nutrients. Some of the products that I like to use on my garden that are OMRI certified are made by the company Earth Juice. Earth Juice makes many products for both vegetative growth and the flowering stage. These products include EJ Grow, Bloom, Catalyst, and...
  18. Homegrowncronic

    holy crap 13 people viewing

    Organics are the only way to go if you have the patients/knowledge, I wish more people would consider growing organically.
  19. Homegrowncronic

    Solution Storage Question

    I would definitely mix up a fresh batch everytime you water, just to make sure bacteria doesn't ruin your crop
  20. Homegrowncronic

    First CFL Grow--BOG Clones--35 days flowering

    Hey thanks. I vegged them for 21 days. I got them when they were about 5" tall, and now they are around 17" tall. Here are some pics from the first day. Picture 1 Super Sweet Cindy '05 Picture 2 Blue Moon Rocks Picture 3 Blue Bonic