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  1. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    Well, the last set of buds were getting crispy and jarred as well. It is amazing how much they can sweat out and go from crispy to softer because of the evening of the moisture. Anyways, I am up to 200gs, give or take 1, and had 16gs harvested early, so we are calling it 215g from 2/3s of one...
  2. buddha61

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    Well, the last set of buds were getting crispy and jarred as well. It is amazing how much they can sweat out and go from crispy to softer because of the evening of the moisture. Anyways, I am up to 200gs, give or take 1, and had 16gs harvested early, so we are calling it 215g from 2/3s of one...
  3. buddha61

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    Most definitely. I didn't use any nutes other than some molasseses, so I don't know how much bigger they could have been. It was a nice learning experience though and I will use that in future grows.
  4. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    Well, the first half of what I harvested is in a jar right now. Dried up at 50g, so just shy of 2oz, and I have about another 2-2.5 oz left drying and then I am done. Looks like I would have had about 6oz from this plant had I got the whole thing, but I have to settle for about 4oz, and missing...
  5. buddha61

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    Well, the first half of what I harvested is in a jar right now. Dried up at 50g, so just shy of 2oz, and I have about another 2-2.5 oz left drying and then I am done. Looks like I would have had about 6oz from this plant had I got the whole thing, but I have to settle for about 4oz, and missing...
  6. buddha61

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    As I was going to harvest my first plant tonite, I ran into a problem. Due to how I was harvesting, I could only take a few branches in at a time. Well, after I get about 3 trimmed, I go back out, and some ASSHOLE decided to jack the rest of my plant and jack my bigger plant that still had a...
  7. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    As I was going to harvest my first plant tonite, I ran into a problem. Due to how I was harvesting, I could only take a few branches in at a time. Well, after I get about 3 trimmed, I go back out, and some ASSHOLE decided to jack the rest of my plant and jack my bigger plant that still had a...
  8. buddha61

    Small Sampling!! CFL grow, bagseed!!

    Nice look from a CFL grow. Fellow Ohioan here as well.
  9. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    Just some bagseed
  10. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    Thx. I have already shared some. Friend of mine said it "was some great shit, OMG". His words.
  11. buddha61

    Only $5 can My best investment ever

    Small pocket microscope for looking at trichromes
  12. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    A couple of the harvested bud shots. Don't laugh at the trimming job. It isn't that great, but it will get the job done. Tonight I am finishing my carbon scrubbing dry box tonight or in the morning and I will harvest the rest of the plant. I lost one bud to some bud rot. Some of these bigger...
  13. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    Well I almost got half of the plant harvested. I hate trimming. LOL. Anyways, when I looked at my other plant, this is what I noticed, some purpling.
  14. buddha61

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    Thx. I have nice weather predicated for the next ten days. No rain, highs around 70ish, low 40s for the lows. I am going to harvest some time between Wednesday and Saturday. Oh, and I just had some more of the early harvest, and it is so nice. 2 or 3 hits have me feeling good.
  15. buddha61

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    Just some random, regular 25 and eighth bag.
  16. buddha61

    Test rss feed

    I know this is an old thread, but is there any way to get RSS anymore?
  17. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    I don't have to worry about flushing as I have not used any nutes on this grow. It is my first and I just wanted to try and get a harvest without going too overboard. So it looks like they are good enough to go in about 4-6 days or so possibly?
  18. buddha61

    8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???

    By my count, I believe they have been flowering for 8 weeks. How much longer should I let them go? Trichromes all appear cloudy, with a few possibly switching to amber. I had plans of going to Home Depot on Wednesday to get the parts needed for a carbon scrubber/filter to make a rubbermaid...
  19. buddha61

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    Well, I am approaching harvest on my first plant. I think that I am heading to Home Depot on Wednesday to get parts that are needed from a rubbermaid bud dryer with a carbon filter to try and make it odorless. Anyways, here are some bud pics of the plant, and one dried bud from the branches I...
  20. buddha61

    Almost Lost My Plants

    Mother nature is certainly trying to pressure me. Today it has been raining most of the day. Well, I went to look at my plants, and my larger plant has a few of the branches almost touching the ground, I assume falling from the weight of the bud and water from the rain. I am not too worried...