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  1. tetrahydrocannabinol

    Smoking with your Plant ?

    heh, i dont have any kids around and i am in college and we all smoke in the house except for tobacco, but i understand if you have children. I would never smoke around kids, i'd feel extremely guilty, good going :)
  2. tetrahydrocannabinol

    Smoking with your Plant ?

    maybe if you smoke everyday in it and blow in it constantly.. then yes, it will do damage.. but when you see all the smoke go into the filter.. no big deal.. its all conceiled in an air tight C22 cabinet, not a open grow room But i agree, do not smoke too often and make sure to have proper...
  3. tetrahydrocannabinol

    Smoking with your Plant ?

    Mogie.. that is not the case with me.. I have an amazing grow fan and a carbon filter system and all the smoke gets sucked right into it as soon as i blow into the cabinet.. it really depends how your setup is... ELICENT ventilation specialists- CENTRIFUGAL IN-LINE FANS METAL i have an...
  4. tetrahydrocannabinol


    Definetly nutrient deficiency.. looks like it could use some N Get some bloodmeal
  5. tetrahydrocannabinol


    I buy my own normal soil.. or some with perlite it in.. I add Vermiculite, Perlite, and essentaisl nutrients such as Bat Guano and Primal Harvest
  6. tetrahydrocannabinol

    Smoking with your Plant ?

    i love smoking with my girls.. i find they keep me company.. when im around them i have a feeling of someone is there with me, which is awesome. So i toke and talk to my girls.. muu232 is absolutly right.. you just need proper ventilation:)
  7. tetrahydrocannabinol

    2-400's or 1-1000 ???

    I dont recommend growing in an exposed room, get a cabinet and make a nice setup.. but if you must.. use 2 400's, the extra 200W will do nothing but raise your bill.. but my setup it all in a cabinet with a bat wing and it works amazingly
  8. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    ok, nevermind.. i posted in the Marijuana Pictures section as "Beauties"
  9. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    man.. is there a way to upload an image and not have to have it at a url?
  10. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    man, you dont even know dude.. ill post a pic for you.. hold on
  11. tetrahydrocannabinol

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    best strain ive tried so far is G-13 X Vietnam Black X White Widow amazing sativa :)
  12. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    naw, im already setup amazingly.. heh C22 cabinet with a 400W HPS in it and about 48 cups in it ;> obviously with carbon filters and so on :)
  13. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    yeah, that sounds a little more acceptable.. lol thanks alot bro.. any other tips? lol
  14. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    every watering though?
  15. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    ok, it says to use 1 teaspoon in 4L everyday.. thats too much no? Also, any other things i should be administering? such as Advanced Nutrients "Bloom" or anyhing else?
  16. tetrahydrocannabinol

    I need help

    you need to let them germinate in a wet napkin
  17. tetrahydrocannabinol

    carbo load

    Hi, my babies are about half way done the flowering cycle now, and I was wondering how important carbo load is at this point, or any other nutrient you can think of.. How much should I be administering at this point (looking for weight and densitity)? Thanks!