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  1. younggrasshopper420

    Areo. Question?

    how much light would i need and wat kind of aeroponic graden would i need to buy could it be any, also wat kind of nutes would i have to use? and how much :confused:
  2. younggrasshopper420

    If you Could be sooo kind?

    I have never grow hydroponics but im am very interested i was wounder if someone could help tell me wat are the basics i would need for a cheap set-up :joint::mrgreen:
  3. younggrasshopper420


    four sevendy watt metal halite a 70watt high pressure sodium and 2 100 watt grow bulbs..and i think there from a stash but i dunno heres some pics wat strain des it look like to you
  4. younggrasshopper420

    Neem oil?

    I was wondering if neem oil will affect the buds on 12/12 i used it in veg. but not in flowering :confused:
  5. younggrasshopper420

    curling tip and a twisted leaf..not

    my fan leaves tips are curled at the very tip and one of the other leaves are twisting like a corkscrew some one help plz.:-(
  6. younggrasshopper420


    what would a normal yeild be for 4 plants that are about 3ft. tall, 2ft. wide :eyesmoke:
  7. younggrasshopper420

    Early sign of male?

    The best bet is to just let them grow just because a male starts geting the sacks doesn't meen that they have pollen in it so untill you start seeing sacks i wouldn't worry about it that is if it is indoor where you can keep tabs on them daily..
  8. younggrasshopper420


    hey, what chem. do you use to fem. your seed i know that you cant use that generation of plant just 2nd gen. and on or is that not correct? just wondering:bigjoint:
  9. younggrasshopper420

    How Is It PuRpLE???

    ay ha! that makes a lot of sence so really its worst, all your doing is making the plant have a defiency , and stressing a plant for no reason except for looks, and i gess it colud result in a lower yeild??
  10. younggrasshopper420

    First Try

    well, if you are going to get a more powerful light metal hailite ( they are used for the bright white street lights) and they have them at your local hardware store, also the aluminum foil has to go if you get a stronger light. it will fry the plants, you want a reflective surface that isent...
  11. younggrasshopper420

    Anyone grow cannabis upside down

    Correct!if you were growing a plant upside down outdoor it would grow towards the sun....UP, but if the light source is below it , it would grow towards that light....Down, but the question is how would it affect the THC in distribution to the plant? would it all go towards the tip?
  12. younggrasshopper420

    How Is It PuRpLE???

    How is it possible to turn your plant purpule and what does it do to the plant to make it better? :joint::hump:
  13. younggrasshopper420

    How can i make my flowers more dence

    so the plant would have more time to do its thing im using a metal hailide,high pressu. sodium Mix do you think that could be confliting??
  14. younggrasshopper420

    upside down?!?

    is growing upside down possiable and if so what are some of the problems i might incounter also is it possiable that the THC would all run to the top of the plant is therr anyone that has had experience in this field? :joint::hump:
  15. younggrasshopper420

    How can i make my flowers more dence

    i was wondering if anyone knew how to make the bud more dence while its growing and also how could i make my buds grow quicker. could i lengthin the dark cycle?
  16. younggrasshopper420

    can u tell wat type of strain this is?

    my friend gave me 4 seeds that he bought from a bank and told me to grow it and would tell me wat type it was wen it was harvest ..i wanna find out now but don't have a trained enough eye to tell. to early to tell?.
  17. younggrasshopper420

    Too small for its age ?

    the best lights in my opinion for vegitative growth are metal hailite bulbs(Bright White Street Lights!!) i have 4 running in my room and my plants grew drasticlly over 3 weeks and the best part is every hardware store has the bulbs and fixtures
  18. younggrasshopper420

    nothing serious, but what you think?

    are you running hydroponics?, and are you using mylar as a reflextive surface or tin foil???
  19. younggrasshopper420

    Need an opinion?

    hey guys how do i flush a 5gallon bucket of soil wen my plants are in 12/12 and im using 8-28-8 sticks some one please walk me through!!! Please
  20. younggrasshopper420

    Need an opinion?

    so if there in 5 gallon buckets 2x the volume, and wat nutes do you reccommend. i use 8-24-8(closest i could find) they are spikes. would i just break in half??:?