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  1. Ellehcim

    Hiding plants

    How old are you kid? If the answer is younger than 18 get the hell out of here... If the answer is older than 18, what the hell are you doing living with your parents and trying to grow pot undercover?
  2. Ellehcim

    Hamster vs bottled CO2

    I put my cats in the grow room to increase the CO2 and they ATE THE POT!
  3. Ellehcim

    Welcome New Members!

    Mornin Guys & Gals... I am gonna try to grow my own soon. Just ordered a 2x4' canvas grow tent and the Bubblepoinics continuous drip system with the 3 bulb CFL system of approximately 15,000 lumens. Dont have any seeds yet. I am already afraid that the CFL lighting is going to be sub-par...