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  1. O

    Critical Kush , 344w CFL Scrog in my homemade tent

    Looks like it will be a fruitful harvest :hump:
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    First time closet CFL grow

    Checking my main plant for preflowers. I believe the other plants are showing good signs of being female. Crappy pictures, but what do you guys think? About 6 days in.
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    First time closet CFL grow

    Day 28, Day 2 of flowering. These things are gonna need another transplant!
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    First time closet CFL grow

    Photobucket killed all my links so here they are again:
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    First time closet CFL grow

    Decided to just top 1 plant to see how it goes. Next go around I will experiment with some low stress topping. Also just swapped out the bulbs for 2700k's in preperation for flowering My favorite one. Hopefully they all turn out female, but this one in particular is prettiest lol.
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    First time closet CFL grow

    Also had a question about topping. When is this needed?
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    First time closet CFL grow

    I'll be checking them daily once I start the switch. Hopefully they are ok. But i did not know that, thanks
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    First time closet CFL grow

    Hey dudes just sharing the results of 3 weeks worth of vegging. Right now I only have 6 CFLs (100W equivalents) and plan on going with more soon when I switch them over to flowering. I am pretty happy with how they look. Using General Hydro nutes with soil. Im using about 1/4 strength from what...