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  1. DaddyDayCare

    Hello every1

    Hello to you as well!
  2. DaddyDayCare

    Why are nutes so costly?

    I hear that!!! Sorry if my comment implied something else... Coming to realize how what I said as well as what others say can be takn in the wrong context dependn on how you read it... Thx for your 2cents or I should say $1.20, lol... No pun intened.... Your break down has actually left me...
  3. DaddyDayCare

    Why are nutes so costly?

    Hi "superstoner1" Your right! It is when broken down that way, all the power to you and good luck!!! Yet I don't grow for profit, I grow to lower my cost on meds, so every dollar saved is an extra dollar in my pocket, just tryn to get by in this expensive economy.... :(
  4. DaddyDayCare

    Why are nutes so costly?

    Wow, thought we both said our piece already.... Last word type are ya? Thats cool.... Its a new day and Im tokn away.... So I'll try NOT to respond with anymore negativity but with "positive reinforcment" Peace & Love son, no hard feelns on my end.... Education is key and I am always...
  5. DaddyDayCare

    Why are nutes so costly?

    Would you really like to get into a debate over what you posted? Yes my own ignorance may have been sparked, tho it was based off how you presented yourself to me for the 1st time.... If you even took the time to read my entire post, I was ventn on the high cost of nutes and how a reg joe can't...
  6. DaddyDayCare

    Why are nutes so costly?

    Much appreciated "dbkick" & "wormdrive66" Looking into other brands is a must! Yet the availability of different brands are not readily available, I will have to research what else is out there and end up having to order online. As for "millie" What are you 12? Its ok, I feel your pain! Either...
  7. DaddyDayCare

    Why are nutes so costly?

    Hello peeps!!! I'm new here.... Making my 2nd attempt at a DWC grow. 1st didn't go very far due to high water temps. Well I'm in a new location now and all seems to be going well.... Water temp is up and down depending on time of day, 67-71. Room temp is 70-80 at times. Just started a new...
  8. DaddyDayCare

    My Tangerine Dream

    Thx, same to you as well..... Any Pics of your "TD"?
  9. DaddyDayCare

    How many clones could I get off this ?

    I noticed your join date :-| I'm new to this site as well and am certainly not a pro. At that age, its any1s guestimate.... 10, 20, 30, 40 Just take your time and grow! Every plant will be different from the next, we cannot judge the unknown? As for findn the sex.... When I want to keep a...
  10. DaddyDayCare

    My Tangerine Dream

    Week 3 is almost at its end, as I mentioned b4...... Small nute prob but that seems to be fixed for the moment after I switched foods and went wit "H&G" Aqua Flakes along with everything else listed in their feed chart that "H&G" provideds. For being such temermental ladies, I'd rather see pure...
  11. DaddyDayCare

    Scotch's lil Shindig- PG180's- Spec 100's, why not?

    I don't know too much about LED's. I'm currently using CFL's for my momma's and baby's and HPS for flower. I did happen to come accross a small biz the other day that supplies bulbs, nothing to do with growing. This older dude, in his late 60's who seems well versed in all types of electrical...
  12. DaddyDayCare

    Scotch's lil Shindig- PG180's- Spec 100's, why not?

    Great Stuff!!! thx for the link....
  13. DaddyDayCare

    My Tangerine Dream

    :joint: thx !!!
  14. DaddyDayCare

    Ordered 3 Different Strains - Anyone Try These?

    Just joined this site 2day.... Got a 10pack of "TD".... Germ 4, only 2 popped.... Currently 3weeks old, had a recent nute prob, tho all goes well at this point...
  15. DaddyDayCare

    Tangerine Dream

    What up racerboy71 Thx for the comment!
  16. DaddyDayCare

    Tangerine Dream

    Hello, I am new here and was hoping that I could get some feed back on this strain "TD" Due to all the NAY sayers that have already spoken of this strain, in which Ive taken the time to read up on, its what has lead me to try what alot have said can't be done or is difficult or something must...
  17. DaddyDayCare

    My Tangerine Dream

    Well it was nice to have been welcomed in the "Introduce Yourself" section.... I was surprised to see that I had so many views so quickly! As well as a few comments! All who welcomed me, it was greatly apreciated..... As for my opening post in "Grow Journals" as I am refering to this current...
  18. DaddyDayCare

    Hello every1

    Don't let me 4get to say thx, for showing intrest >>> Po boy
  19. DaddyDayCare

    Hello every1

    ozzie81>>> Yes, I did not know.... Thx for bustn my chops either way, lol....
  20. DaddyDayCare

    Hello every1

    Well where I am located, there is an abundance of top of the line "k's" (whatever is available) at that paticular moment, lol.... As for what I am "trying" to grow, just check out my grow journal.... & thx cannabineer :)