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  1. 41943420

    2 600 watts or 2 1000 watts enough for 20 plants or need more

    im pretty sure he means he is building the grow room out of 2x4's not the size of his growroom being 2x4
  2. 41943420

    FIrst / Second Grow AK48 CFL's Organ Grow

    im planning a cfl grow soon with autos is the box made of cardboard?
  3. 41943420

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    i got powdery residue <evil laugh>
  4. 41943420

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    kak smackin ass pirates
  5. 41943420

    The Art of The Auto

    yes welcome did u order autos? what strain /
  6. 41943420

    So I found 1200+ rounds of ammo today....

    this thread got interesting......i kept reading thinking someone was goiun to blow up literally but maybe next time
  7. 41943420

    The Cost of Growing

    haha youre still doin it ^^^ oh shit me too
  8. 41943420

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    i just know im a stoner i loves me some dem purple erkels
  9. 41943420

    paradise seeds sweet purple ?

    any info on this strain would be good.thimkin of ordering this one but am curious about the height of the plant as i need it to be as short as possible.:joint:
  10. 41943420

    where to get a 15 psi pressure cooker?

    also the whole process is done in a terrarium sterile conditions will stop your cakes from future and present endo spores from takin hold of a cake or casing roger rabbitt is ma hero :joint:
  11. 41943420

    where to get a 15 psi pressure cooker?

    i use a 10 psi pc from wally world and i pressure cook my 1 pint jars for 90 min and my half pint for 60 min and have a contam to success ratio of about 1/10
  12. 41943420

    can i shroom in my living room?

    i loves the shroomin yes i does.......
  13. 41943420

    can i shroom in my living room?

    is the humidity and temp rite for the shrooms i dont think it would work as far as future flushes bc of the rh being too low and drying the cakes out if u use casings the same thing will happen but maybe not as quikly
  14. 41943420


    plz me too
  15. 41943420

    Welcome New Members!

    Grow space i see your avatar is roger rabbitts shrooms growin on that bible are u a shroomer?
  16. 41943420

    8 Plants 1 Pot

    i deed not know der was coke on dee plane
  17. 41943420

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    dude it looks dank i would flower them now 12/12 and they should turn out great u should run both your lights for flower.your street light and your conv. system for good resin production should be sweeeeett dude +rep fa sho
  18. 41943420

    Time to flush first grow?

    :joint:dude that shit looks good for your lighting i would flush within the next week my guees:hump:
  19. 41943420

    Massive southern California indoor grow-op

    nice grow dude
  20. 41943420

    ? about Flora Nova nutes

    thanks for the replys hope all goes well as im just starting for the first time again lol.... more serious about it this time as my living arrangements are good to grow. any ideas how autos will like the flora nova?