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  1. BlueBerryMango

    Crop kings blueberry

    Blueberry is a great strain choice :)
  2. BlueBerryMango

    Should I really be doing this here?

    hello everyone!!! Before I start I kinda have an idea of what I'm wanting for an LED, I'm posting here to get some extra opinions on top of what I was already given, LED are the way of the future in my opinion and we will leave it at that so looking for help on LED, along with some additional...
  3. BlueBerryMango

    Adding Computer fans to grow area.

    Hey everyone! Looking to see some advice, help, your set ups for ideas as everyone's space is ideally different, adding computer fans to the area. Does it help cut back on power because you wouldn't be using as many larger fans? Is the fans to move stail hot air, cooling & ventilation, etc? I...
  4. BlueBerryMango

    Which deficiency is this now?

    Should I mention that the soil only says "feeds up to 1 month", so after this 1 month I'll have to start adding in nutirients anyways correct? Also update: No water has been applied in the last 24-48 hours, the plant seems to be in the same state, can't really tell if it's getting worse...
  5. BlueBerryMango

    Which deficiency is this now?

    Don't have a good scale for that right now. I'll just cut back on watering, all though if it takes 2-4* days to dry out fully normal then and not considered "slow"? *4 days being max with full dryness beyond the 2inch requirement or completely dry no water left
  6. BlueBerryMango

    Which deficiency is this now?

    Guys it's UP TO 2L it doesn't even reach past 1.5L honestly cause I measure just over 1L in run off. I'm only giving you quick rough estimates, this is kinda the first time I put something in a pot this big. Could be over water but again when I touch the top of the soil it's dry at least 1...
  7. BlueBerryMango

    Which deficiency is this now?

    Well wouldnt tap water that's above 7.0 need to be dropped to feed/water them? Also I haven't feed sense putting them in the larger pot. Soil I found in stores basically, says it's organic, contains alapha meal, bone meal, earthworm castings and kelp meal...not sure if there's more but has...
  8. BlueBerryMango

    Which deficiency is this now?

    Not really the problem kinda started in a smaller pot which it was actually doing really well in see. First this is a 2Gal pot. Lots of perlite and some soil, Fast drainage, dries fast enough I do this once a day. And it's 1-2 L of run off I make. Roughly 20-30% run off I had to close the...
  9. BlueBerryMango

    Which deficiency is this now?

    Which deff is this now? P?? Ways to fix it so it doesn't die, what usually causes this. Stems are purple, new growth stems come green then slowly become purple. The other leaf took a bit more damage. Slow/no growth. Organic soil, perlite. Feed roughly 6.5-6.6ph Roots seemed to be a healthy...
  10. BlueBerryMango

    Yellow middle? Deficiency?

    He said do one or the other ;) you don't wanna over do it
  11. BlueBerryMango

    Yellow middle? Deficiency?

    Based from what I read online a lot along with most strains flower 4-9 weeks, and people start flushing the plant the last week or 2 which then causes leaves to really go yellow, the yellowing could be the nitrogen deficiency which is a normal sign saying your getting close to harvest time and...
  12. BlueBerryMango

    Ph pen / ppm pen accuracys?

    well damn!!!! My ph pen dropped into water so I bought a new one....along with a new ppm /EC pen! While making a solution to see how much PPM is in it due to the fact I added alittle CAL/MAG. No calibration pens even though I thought with this new one I'd have to calibrate it. The ppm with...
  13. BlueBerryMango

    Might need alittle help.

    Thanks everyone, this problem is exactly what've thought it was even before posting on here.
  14. BlueBerryMango

    Might need alittle help.

    Well as they do mention the lime is increasing the cal/mag in the soil. So in theory, if I add 2x the recommended cal/mag in my fertilizer or even just Cal/Mag watering would that help with the N lockout, or whatever Ph problem temporarily; or whatever the problem is?
  15. BlueBerryMango

    Might need alittle help.

    Where can i get a good soil with the ph of around 6.5; I tried the coco coir but it was mulch and not soil like, so I couldn't stick with it and I moved these to 100% soil and they been kinda living sense. This is definitely what I've thought it's been the whole time and like you said low soil...
  16. BlueBerryMango

    Might need alittle help.

    Does adding these things to soil generally usually help right away that these will recover or stop showing deficiencies?
  17. BlueBerryMango

    Might need alittle help.

    Alittle new with TON of questions I know there are answers right in front of me, but I do find answers pulling you one way then another way! So if anyone is interested to message me to help me along the way, that would be great help & new friendship ;) For some time now I've been managing to...