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  1. StonedGimp

    Chem Dog information wanted

    Thanks I’ll check out lucky dog I had a feeling this might be an issue and to just mark it off the list lol. Maybe they will release the strain again sometime soon.
  2. StonedGimp

    Possible plant deficiency problem any help would be appreciated

    Sorry everyone for not getting back on here sooner, for some reason I never received notifications. I watered plants with 6.5ph well and upped the mega crop. Immediately the plants began getting darker and growing faster. I checked the soil a few days later and it was at 6.47 so I then added...
  3. StonedGimp

    Chem Dog information wanted

    I’m going to start growing Chem Dog or a variant of it my next run and I would like input from you guys. I have spent several days researching different breeders and so far this is what I’ve come up with Apothecary Genetics Chem 91’ Apothecary Genetics Chem D Greenhouse Genetics Chemdog if I...
  4. StonedGimp

    Possible plant deficiency problem any help would be appreciated

    I opened my tent 2 days ago and noticed black spots on several leaves in the same exact spots along with some yellowing. This is the second time I’ve dealt with this same issue and this plant and transplanting last time cleared up the issue, my other plant I have going looks great and receives...
  5. StonedGimp

    First grow problems, can’t find info anywhere

    Thanks everyone for your input! I ended up transplanting it into a 3 gallon pot yesterday and after removing it from the cup I immediately discovered the issue. The roots completely over took the cup and down at the bottom where I drilled drain holes roots spun around and around. When I pulled...
  6. StonedGimp

    First grow problems, can’t find info anywhere

    No it’s not a 2 part or 3 part system it’s just a single dry nutrient combo. I’ll send you a link of what I used. I did add in a tiny amount of the sweet candy too along with the tiny amount of mega crop using the seedling calculator on the Greenleaf site. Mega Crop...
  7. StonedGimp

    First grow problems, can’t find info anywhere

    What are the brown spots from? Everything I’ve found says manganese or light burn and I’ve adjusted my light to 25-30k lux so that shouldn’t be the problem
  8. StonedGimp

    First grow problems, can’t find info anywhere

    Thanks guys. I always add everything to the water and then change the ph to 6.3 then let it rest and recheck again 15-20 later so at least I know now that I’m doing that part correct.
  9. StonedGimp

    First grow problems, can’t find info anywhere

    Here’s some pictures from a few minutes ago
  10. StonedGimp

    First grow problems, can’t find info anywhere

    I fed both plants the recommended amount for seedlings using the calculator on mega crops site. I use water bottles at the moment instead of a gallon jug to hold the ph corrected distilled water due to the ease and size so the amount of nutes I used was like .14 of a gram which was basically a...
  11. StonedGimp

    First grow problems, can’t find info anywhere

    have a G13 Pineapple Express growing in soil/perlite with a layer of perlite on top that began developing spots on the lower sets of leaves a week and 2 days ago. This began after feeding a tiny amount of Mega Crop. After noticing the spots I let the soil dry out and watered with 6.3 ph...
  12. StonedGimp

    Also what book should I check out on the cat page? I had no idea there would be that many!

    Also what book should I check out on the cat page? I had no idea there would be that many!
  13. StonedGimp

    Hey sorry for getting back to you so late, I haven’t been online much. Thank you so much for...

    Hey sorry for getting back to you so late, I haven’t been online much. Thank you so much for posting that! I hope to use it a lot in the next upcoming weeks. Also, what kind of setup do you mainly use? I’m trying to figure out what would be the best between soil, bubble buckets or auto pots for...
  14. StonedGimp

    I noticed on oldmedusers profile posts he shared an e-book with you, could you share that with...

    I noticed on oldmedusers profile posts he shared an e-book with you, could you share that with me please?
  15. StonedGimp

    Looking for as much help as possible

    Looking for as much help as possible
  16. StonedGimp

    First post: Can’t decide & need some input 3VL & lm301

    Ok great!! After checking over the Chinese sites I’ve started to notice a lot of the panels are now coming with the standard 3500k leds, 660nm leds, far far red leds, and uv leds but they all run at the same time. I like the idea of having everything on one board but not the option of running...
  17. StonedGimp

    First post: Can’t decide & need some input 3VL & lm301

    Also Pulpoinspace the small tent will be 2x2. I might use it for a full grow too at sometime and not just veg. Do you have any other light suggestions that would work great in a 2x4 or a 2x2?
  18. StonedGimp

    First post: Can’t decide & need some input 3VL & lm301

    Awesome and thank you for the help!! I would consider stepping up to the 4vl just in case I need the extra power but I know for sure that I will be using the same space for at least 2 years. I also have limited room for width and need to keep everything in a line and not a square due to...
  19. StonedGimp

    First post: Can’t decide & need some input 3VL & lm301

    Hey everyone I’m a long time reader and first time poster. My state recently legalized for medicinal use and I was lucky enough to receive my cultivation license. Growing has been a dream of mine for many years and even when asked by therapists 10 years ago, after I broke my neck, what I wanted...