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  1. R

    Someone make sense of this...I've looked EVERYWHERE!!!

    Alright, I have no clue what kind of RDWC you're using, but I'm using a UCXXL13 (8 site). You cannot physically "grab the control bucket and empty it", as it is attached by pvc piping to all the other buckets (it's also a 13 gallon bucket which weights almost 110lbs). PLEASE, tell me what I...
  2. R

    Someone make sense of this...I've looked EVERYWHERE!!!

    I have been growing in a RDWC for a while now and I know a bit more than the average guy. I am heading into week 5 of flower and everything looks terrific, as far as the leaves, buds, stems, etc. (I can post pictures if needed). But there has been something that's been really bothering me...
  3. R

    RDWC+Big Up Powder+Over 100 gallons of water

    Elwood, appreciate the response. After talking it out with a few others I've decided im gonna take it one scoop at a time. Like, for the first feeding I am only gonna use 6-8 scoops and see how much that brings up my PPMs. There is just no way though that the label suggesting all those scoops...
  4. R

    RDWC+Big Up Powder+Over 100 gallons of water

    Ok guys, I need a little help with something here because the math just doesn't add up, or maybe it does and its EXTREME. I just went out and purchased some Big Up powder for my RDWC system. I am running an 8 site, 13 gallon Undercurrent setup, which comes out to about 117 gallons (including...
  5. R

    Plants drooping RDWC Week 1 of flower

    ZOMBIESxWEED, turns out you were right my friend, went downstairs today and they perked right back up. I guess after all this growing I've done I never really knew that the leaves drooped a little during the 12 hours off. Appreciate your help my friend. sunni, you were absolutely right as...
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    Plants drooping RDWC Week 1 of flower

    Yes, I have started flowering, and I've never ever had to drain and flush out my system before (I've grown in this system over 5 times now). Yes, I took these when the lights were off, I'm hoping you are right and they perk right back up, because this is actually the first time I've went to go...
  7. R

    Plants drooping RDWC Week 1 of flower

    EDIT: Tried to edit on my original post but for some reason rollitup wont let me use the enter key to tab down? Can someone explain THAT to me?!?!? Anyways, decided to go down and take pictures NOW rather than later so that maybe I have some replies to look forward to when I get back home later...
  8. R

    Plants drooping RDWC Week 1 of flower

    Hey guys. I have an Undercurrent RDWC. There are 8, 13 gallon buckets. I just started flowering them about 5 days ago and never had a problem at all until now. My situation is a little different seeing as to how I have 6 1000 W lights over 8 buckets, meaning my plants are BIG, so doing a...
  9. R

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Wow, I cannot believe this thread is still going. I was on here about 2 years ago (around pages 90-100) trying to get help about the slime issues I encountered after first purchasing my UnderCurrent system. I stumbled upon this forum and read about Heisenbergs tea. His method of his tea...
  10. R

    Eagle20 and clones

  11. R

    Eagle20 and clones

    Thanks for the quick reply guys. I already ordered the Eagle 20 stuff online and I'll take your guys word for it NOT to use it on my unrooted clones. For now, I will just spray the clones down with 1 part milk 10 parts water. I really dont know if the clones are in that bad of shape so I took...
  12. R

    Eagle20 and clones

    Hey guys I'm in need of some advice here. I have got a mother room with all these mother plants going but they all got a pretty bad case of powdery mildew. A lot of people suggest just throwing them out and buying new ones rather than take cutting from them, but these are very good plants and...
  13. R

    Overfeeding? Or maybe Nute burn? Pictures....HELP

    Awesome. I'm actually in the flower period with my ppms floating around the mid 500's. What I'm gathering from you is that I should never go beyond 800 ppms in using AN. I'll start using CalMag from here on out also. Thanks man.
  14. R

    Overfeeding? Or maybe Nute burn? Pictures....HELP

    We do have CalMag but I haven't used it on them yet. I did add a bit of revive about a week ago hoping it would help the plants but to no avail. Seeing you use Sensi as well, would you mind telling me what your feeding schedule is week by week if you dont mind? And how much CalMag would you...
  15. R

    Overfeeding? Or maybe Nute burn? Pictures....HELP

    Hey guys. I am currently in week 3 of flower and some of the leaves on my plants for the ebb and flow are starting to look like this. Me and my buddies have been debating whether or not its the lack of nutes, or too many. We are using SensiBloom partA&B, with the ppms at about the mid 500's...
  16. R

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I'm starting to think this DP guy knows what he's talking about. Because when we had the slime everything that happened to us is what he talked about (white slime turning into brown when dying, clinging to airstones, etc). But once again, that was all solved by using the Heis tea. Only...
  17. R

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hmm...first post and kicks it off bashing the tea. Welcome to rollitup sean3!
  18. R

    Burning Co2

  19. R

    Burning Co2

    Me and my buds are almost 2 weeks into flowering and we're about to get a co2 burner. We will burn 3 times a day for 15min each time. My only real concern is what needs to be turned off when the co2 burner goes on. I heard/read you want to turn off your inline fans connected to the...
  20. R

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    It's been a little while since I last posted on this thread. But here is my progress almost 5 weeks in (1 week into flowering). If you look back at my previous posts and pictures you will see quite how much they have progresed, I give big thanks to Heisenberg and others on this forum that have...