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  1. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    Thanks Don!
  2. F

    Dilemma about switching light

    Would be nice but not possible - single tent, single ballast, single reflector. And no more money to throw at it.
  3. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    Should I: a) keep the tape in place permanently b) occasionally carefully change it to allow for stem thickening c) remove the tape after a certain amount of time?
  4. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    The snapped branches are still growing....for now..... they are both taped up with electrical tape.
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    Dilemma about switching light

    bumping as I could do with some advice before I go away for the weekend.
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    My red bull bong

    I have a sturdy, well percolated glass bong and a volcano vaporizer. Best purchases I have ever made. Took me years to finally cough up the cash, but I don't regret a single cent, I only wish I had done it sooner.
  7. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    Don't I know it... two snapped main stems on the best plant I have :(
  8. F

    BHO from culled, vegging plants?

    Haha yeah I know I should be more distanced, like a doctor treating a dying patient! What can I say, I'm as emotionally invested as I am financially :)
  9. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    Ok thanks guys, this makes sense, and means I stick to Plan A - watch them grow and learn from it (albeit with a little training).
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    BHO from culled, vegging plants?

    Thanks guys, that's what I thought the answer would be. I'll compost her then. Seems such a shame to kill off an otherwise healthy looking plant, but it's the weakest strain and the smallest plant so que sera sera
  11. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    Thanks for the advice dude. I've done a bit of LST, a bit of supercropping, but the latest snap came when I was reaching into another branch to LST it and my clumsy hand knocked a branch and it snapped. I may well just do that (string buds up) but I'm undecided as yet. I am still in veg, so I...
  12. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    Oh and one more question, is there an ideal height to have the screen at? Or should I just put it at the current height of the top of the plant?
  13. F

    Dilemma about switching light

    I have two autos growing alongside two photoperiods, simply because I got the autos free and thought I would give them a go. They are under 400W MH, and I have a 600W HPS waiting in the wings. The autos have been flowering for a week or so, and it is now time for me to change to 12/12 for the...
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    LST *and* scrog?

    PS It's my first grow so my first instinct was to let them grow relatively naturally to observe the process, but space is becoming an issue and I don't want to stop vegging them just yet.
  15. F

    LST *and* scrog?

    So I've been lightly LST-ing my plants, I say lightly because I did a bit early on and haven't done much since then. I broke two stems (mercifully they have continued growing with a bit of electrical tape round them). They are due to go into 12/12 next week, can I put a screen above them now or...
  16. F

    BHO from culled, vegging plants?

    Does anyone know if it is worth trying to make BHO from a vegging plant that has been culled? It has vegged for a month and is pretty damn big, but it's a runt compared to others in my tent and I am culling to make room for the monsters to grow even bigger before flowering. I have no idea if...
  17. F

    Buddhas Tree flowering boosters - any experience / tips?

    Hi there I'm growing in coco with canna a&b and was looking for a way to bring flowering costs down due to the cost of canna boost. Grow shop told me to go with Buddhas Tree's Meta Boost, Flower Burst and PK 9/18 Anyone have experience with these and have any tips to share? My friend was...
  18. F

    How To Dry On Screen ?

    Like I say, I go by when the stem will just about snap instead of bending. As soon as it hits that point, I jar them.
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    Personal opinions on strains

    Here is a good start this one is really helpful as it's a summary of a grow written after the fact. Then try some of these, ideally look to find one that closely...
  20. F

    Personal opinions on strains

    Afraid not, but you will find better info by looking for completed journals than halfway through ones anyway.