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  1. damnsmoker

    My first grow...real slow

    While trimming, I accidentally chopped off a tiny little bud nugget. I thought "what could it hurt to stuff it in my vaporizer?" It did not hurt a thing, in was great! I can't wait until they're dried and cured!
  2. damnsmoker

    Any experience with AMS White Widow XTRM?

    I'm trying to decide what to grow in the next crop, has anyone grown this strain before? It sounds pretty good, but they're quite expensive The claims also sound somewhat optimistic to me, but I'd like to be wrong...
  3. damnsmoker

    Revolver from Crop King Seeds

    Happy New Year! I harvested most of the other two Revolvers, so it looks like it'll be a happy new year indeed! I left some of the lower branches intact because I think they could go a bit longer. The majority of them have been trimmed and they look good enough to eat! Anyone care to...
  4. damnsmoker

    My first grow...real slow

    Looking at the Revolvers, that I moved out of the tent this morning, I decided that one looked ready to go; so I attempted my first harvest and trim. Here are the results (more pics here:
  5. damnsmoker

    Revolver from Crop King Seeds

    Okay, so I decided to harvest my first plant today. This is the two branch Revolver; my first harvest and trim! Any feedback on my trimming would be appreciated. Also, I want to use the trim to make cannabutter, but I don't know if I should be using all of the leaves in the picture below. Also...
  6. damnsmoker

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    The first thing that popped into my head, when I saw the title of this thread, was: "put a couple of pillows between wall and the headboard!" But I do have a trick that I thought I'd share: I hung my fan from two sets of bungee cords. This does two things, it damps the vibrations so they don't...
  7. damnsmoker

    2nd Grow from 1st grows clones

    So, as I just pointed out in this thread: I just moved 5 clones into the flowering tent this morning, just before the light went out. That made some room in the veg area, so I will finally be able to transplant some of the root bound clones and Rogue Thunders...
  8. damnsmoker

    My first grow...real slow

    So, I am not a smart man. I've been waiting to take the Revolvers out of the flowering tent before I rearrange it to make room for the clones to get in there. After all, my veg area is getting more than a bit crowded. I still have some of those poor clones in small pots and some are still in...
  9. damnsmoker

    My first grow...real slow

    Thanks! You must be right about the cats. I've had to buy a second spray bottle that I keep beside the laundry room sink. When the cat starts making his moves into the tent (he's very stealthy) I nail him with a squirt of water. I don't even have to hit him anymore, just the sound sends him...
  10. damnsmoker

    2nd Grow from 1st grows clones

    I'm going to have to make some room in my flowering tent very soon!
  11. damnsmoker

    My first grow...real slow

    So, I thought I'd post some pics of my current grow. I actually started this at the end of September with pretty much no equipment or experience. I started with six DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush seeds, and two DNA Sour Kosher seeds. I only managed to get 5 of the 8 to germinate and one died as a...
  12. damnsmoker

    Heat Issues - Questions on how to solve them

    I have an open wing light in my tent. Just removing the air that is sitting in the tent will go a long way to solving your problem. The cool tube style lights will allow your plants to sit closer to the light but, if that's not your issue, then just a simple exhaust fan will help quite a bit.
  13. damnsmoker

    Heat Issues - Questions on how to solve them

    I had this problem with a 4X4 tent and 1000W lamp. Hooking up an exhaust fan with variable speed controller should allow you to tweak the temperature easily; it worked brilliantly for me.
  14. damnsmoker

    crop king seeds

    Here's a link to a thread regarding a CKS Revolver grow: Keep in mind, that these results are from someone with no growing experience. I am also starting a grow journal on, among other things, 5 CKS Rogue Thunders. So far, they...
  15. damnsmoker

    DNA Sour Kosher

    So, mistakes were made. In this tent are three CKS Revolvers in the foreground centre and left. The other three plants...two of them are DNA Genetics, Holy Grail Kush and the other is Sour Kosher. Unfortunately, the labelling was...well...less than adequate. So, these three, in the right hand...
  16. damnsmoker

    Revolver from Crop King Seeds

    Put a jewellery loupe in front of a point and shoot camera: this is a close up of one of the buds from a couple of days ago...
  17. damnsmoker

    2nd Grow from 1st grows clones

    I don't have any pictures handy of the actual cloning, but the first picture is when the sickly looking little plants were taken out of the grow dome and stuffed into beer cups on Dec 8th. the five healthy looking plants at the left are some CKS Rogue Thunder, grown from seeds, that were...
  18. damnsmoker

    Revolver from Crop King Seeds

    Okay, time for another update: These girls are at around 9 weeks from germination, and I think they're just about ready... Plant #1 Plant #2 Plant #3 I'm pretty impressed with the results, especially since I have no experience with growing. Given these results, it may be worth...
  19. damnsmoker

    Plant looking rough, should I just harvest it?

    Thanks guys, I've had some suggesting putting her on 1/4 nutrients, but I want to keep her clear before harvest. She seems to be getting closer to ready do....fingers crossed!