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  1. W

    Orange and crispy leaf tips?

    Alright so I guess I will just water them for now and see what happens?
  2. W

    Orange and crispy leaf tips?

    I have a 400w 13" away. I also have an osculating fan on low about a foot away. So do you guys think its burn or magnesium def?
  3. W

    Orange and crispy leaf tips?

    So here are my plants, there about 1 month old the strain is kalichakra. This problem started happening about a week ago on a few plants and now it has spread to almost all of them, I can't figure out what it is... There all planted in FF ocean forest and they've gotten one feeding about 3 days...
  4. W

    Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.

    Alright here is another update, there growth has been great, almost ready to switch them to flower. There are a couple plants with a strange mark on the edges of the leaves, it looks maybe like burn from the lights because only the taller ones have them, what do you guys think?
  5. W

    Leaves curling up?

    I was thinking about that but its been a month with no feedings isn't that a little long?
  6. W

    Leaves curling up?

    I thought I read that before igotgreen but I forget from where hopefully that's the case. I did also notice today that there was some orange spots on the leaf edges. Im not home now but I will post some pics tonight
  7. W

    Leaves curling up?

    Yeah massah, it's been a while since I've watered them thats why the tops are pretty crusty but underneath is still pretty moist. The bags are sitting on the floor but I also have holes on the sides that help them drain.
  8. W

    Leaves curling up?

    It's actually taken them a while to dry up because I transplanted them about a week ago and watered thoroughly. I still havn't watered them since because they've been moist, I don't want to over water. And the temps are good around 72-78.
  9. W

    Leaves curling up?

    So here are my plants the strain is kalichakra from mandala. There about a month old and there planted in FF ocean forest. Probably about a week ago they started curling there leaves upwards, I've never seen this is any of my grows before. Any ideas about what this could be? I have not fed...
  10. W

    What Is This?

    I tried that on my last grow and it didn't work very well that's when I bought the cal mag and I threw away the lime so I guess ill just try the cal mag hopefully it works. If I use the cal mag should I use less nutes?
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    What Is This?

    I was thinking of topping but I don't want to stunt there growth anymore than it already has been. And should I also add some cal-mag as someone else said this could be a mag deficiency?
  12. W

    What Is This?

    No I have not added any nutes yet, I figured there were plenty in the new soil. And massah, I did exactly that... I watered them with about a half gallon of water for each 1 gallon grow bag right after the transplant.
  13. W

    What Is This?

    Ok so these plants are about a month old, they had a little trouble at the start but they've been doing great recently, that's why there a little behind. My temps are good, always under 80 usually around 74-78. I just recently transplanted, a little over a week ago, I haven't watered since...
  14. W

    Is this a good hps hood fixture?

    I don't see why it wouldn't work well. It depends on the size of your grow area, I chose a rectangular hood because it just works better in my closet, that hood would be kind of awkward in my closet.
  15. W

    Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.

    Alright so heres another update there doing very well :mrgreen: I'm thinking about vegging for another 3 weeks since they were so stunted. I'm still having some problems with a couple of them, hopefully they pull through. What do you think it could be? I haven't watered since the transplant...
  16. W

    2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.

    So I figured I'd just give you guys an update and let you know there doing GREAT :mrgreen: I still haven't watered yet since the transplant because it's still really moist, even on the very surface. I'm still having problems with a couple of them but we'll just see how it goes.
  17. W

    has anyone grown lavender to cover up the smell?

    So I've planted about 6 lavender seeds in each 16 oz cups and there's three of them so 18 in all. There planted in light warrior. Im just wondering if anyone else has grown lavender under a 400w mh? Should I give them nutes, when should I separate them and when should I transplant them? I...
  18. W

    3 week old plants, light green in middle of leaves/wrinkly leaves.

    Ok so I guess there's not much I can do except wait it out?