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  1. ebenezerfagglegold

    why aren't my seeds germinating?

    hey everybody. so I got a deal on a brick of regggie (real BRICK weed, like smashed, just like coco coir comes in, just a brick) and I took about 20 seeds out. I took out the darkest ones, ones that were like almost black. I separated them into three separate groups, just to see which...
  2. ebenezerfagglegold

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    oh hey and by the way, I believe that using a heat mat/humidity dome was a horrible idea. Got everything way too moist - I think that's how the fungus or whatever it was had a chance to thrive. Warm and wet. I've also since read that humidity dome/heat pad rooting is more aimed toward clones...
  3. ebenezerfagglegold

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    no prob bud, circle of info - we've all got to figure this shit out somehow. That's why I don't understand why there are a lot of troll-ish posters on this board, posting things like "your coco sucks" and "dump those plants they're all going to die." I just harvested a plant that I was told to...
  4. ebenezerfagglegold

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    yeah it seems like washing the coco hardcore plus letting the roots get started in a peat pellet did the trick. some coco comes for de-salted than others, that's at least part of the problem washing takes care of. the damping was probably fungus or the fact that planting straight into coco kept...
  5. ebenezerfagglegold

    lockout, hungry, or pot-bound?

    wow, really? so I suppose you don't understand the purpose of a 'forum.' I have symptoms that have multiple possibe causes. the search option tells me that. That is the reason i'm asking if anyone has an opinion as to which of these possible causes it could be- by looking at the picture. Get...
  6. ebenezerfagglegold

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    yeah its this stuff called 'natures footprint.' I lost like 11 seeds to damping off before I hit it with hydrogen peroxide, washed, and baked it. It still didn't work until I started the seeds in jiffy pellets. I have 2 bricks of general hydro cocotek that I haven't opened yet. I'm thinking...
  7. ebenezerfagglegold

    lockout, hungry, or pot-bound?

    I hear you texasjack but this thing will have been flowering for 70 days on sept 1. can I really justify a transplant this late in the game, plus - into better soil. This soil should be neutralized by now right? and im sure its just a giant rootball in there anyway, can't I get away with...
  8. ebenezerfagglegold

    lockout, hungry, or pot-bound?

    noted, but its obvious to me that the plant is not getting its nutrients from the soil anymore. I can tell this by the way it is sucking the color out of its own leaves for nutrients. So.. lack of nutrients means either: Just that: LACK OF NUTRIENTS, or lockout. Since my ph was all crazy I...
  9. ebenezerfagglegold

    lockout, hungry, or pot-bound?

    what do you mean. Mites? ..spray, lockout? crazy ph? ..flush. -that's all I did I think. If I have done 'everything wrong' than why am I trying to figure out what you mean? I mean I know the miracle grow was a bad move but this plant was doing fine and now its not and I have a few guesses but I...
  10. ebenezerfagglegold

    having trouble starting seeds in coco

    well here's what I came up with after a lot of trial and error. basically I landed on this: -wash the coco with warm water. wash it and wash it some more. then put it in the oven for a few hours at 250 or so. -germinate seeds in paper towels and then place in a jiffy peat pellet. peat oellet...
  11. ebenezerfagglegold

    lockout, hungry, or pot-bound?

    hey everybody out there. so ive got a small plant (first grow ever) that's been flowering since 6/22. Buds, hairs, and sugar leaves all look awesome, but since this was my first grow I started out with a shitty growing medium(miracle gro, UGH). The time released ferts in the miracle gro...
  12. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    I have 3 that I started in jiffy pellets left that are doing OKay, but the oldest one is starting to look bad. Probably as the roots get really deep in the coco they are doing that damping off thing again. I think this is my last try with coco this way. Next I'll try adding some soil to it.
  13. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    thank you very much. that's what i'm talking about, seems to make sense because they'd develop a decent root system then. thanks!
  14. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    I haven't gotten past the first watering on any seed. Either water or feed only once them either dampen off or mold or stunt. Then when they finally look like they've had it, I get down to see how the roots looked and it looks like they only rooted for a day or two and that's it. I'm doing a...
  15. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    yep this stuff says it was harvested in india. I have two bricks of general hydro coco tek that I haven't opened yet. That stuff says it is a 'low salinity' mix of three different types of coco. I read through the amazon reviews of the 'nature's footprint' stuff I'm using now and it turns out...
  16. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    yeah this coco thing is turning out to be more of a pain in the ass than I thought. I think I'm going to abort this mission and go for happy frog or something. I don't have a hydroponics system. I'm just trying to find the medium that works best for me, trying them out with bag seed before...
  17. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    hey man, do you see me going around and jacking your threads?? That literally has nothing to do with this thread, what are you doing?
  18. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    using calmag w/ general hydro rapidstart doesn't seem to help this issue, thanks for replying and helping though. I don't even have an EC meter :/
  19. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    here are two side by side. both germinated at the same time in paper towels. one put in a jiffy peat pellet, the other straight into the coco coir both at the same time 48 hours ago. The one in the jiffy pellet is doing fine.
  20. ebenezerfagglegold

    starting seeds in coco nightmare(part 2:the nightmare continues)

    can you elaborate a little bit? this is my first attempt with coco. I germinated this seed in a paper towel so what you're looking at here was just planted and watered for the first time 24 hours ago. That's obviously why its wet. First watering. Why do you say this coco is shit. Is it the...